Accident risks due to microsleep Anti-allergy medications sometimes make you tired

Dangerous microsleep: Beware of medicines for allergies
Many people who suffer from pollen allergy take antihistamines. These medications can make you very tired and make you sleep faster. The ability to drive is therefore affected enormously. Affected motorists should therefore necessarily seek advice from a doctor before they get behind the wheel.
Some medications promote microsleep
According to the German Allergy and Asthma Association (DAAB), about 16 percent of the population - about 13 million people - have a pollen allergy nationwide. Especially in spring, when more pollen swirls through the air, sufferers such as runny nose or itchy eyes. Untreated hay fever can develop fatal. Many allergic people therefore take antihistamines. But these can make you extremely tired and encourage a second-sleep. The ability to drive is therefore often severely impaired. The German Road Safety Council (DVR) points to this in a recent communication.

Impact on the ability to drive
Not only antihistamines, but many other medicines can also affect your ability to drive.
According to the manufacturers, between 15 and 20 percent of all approved drugs affect their ability to drive.
These include above all antiepileptic drugs, psychotropic drugs and some analgesics, which often limit cognitive performance and cause latent fatigue.
Yet, many underestimate how much such medications can affect the ability to drive a vehicle.
"Based on various expert opinions and scientific estimates, we assume that many traffic accidents occur with the involvement of medicines, in particular psychotropic drugs," Dr. Hans-Günter Weeß, board member of the German Society for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine (DGSM), as part of the campaign "Caution microsleep!".
Clarify side effects to the doctor
Anyone taking prescription or over-the-counter medicines should always check with a doctor or pharmacist for possible influences on their own driving habits.
This is especially important before the first application, when increasing the dose, when switching or when discontinuing the medication.
"Interactions with other medicines should also be taken into account as they may exacerbate possible side effects such as decreased concentration and increased drowsiness," adds Dr. weeß.
If you notice the first signs of driving while driving, such as frequent yawning or heavy eyelids, you should definitely take a break. This is recommended to combine with some exercise for cardiovascular activation or with a short sleep of ten to 20 minutes.
Tips for motorists
According to health experts, it is also possible for pollen allergy sufferers to prescribe medications that usually do not make you tired.
In any case, it is advisable in many cases to treat the allergy in the long term, for example by a specific immunotherapy, formerly called desensitisation.
In this case, the person affected the allergen is injected at regular intervals until the body no longer responds to it. According to medical experts, most patients get better after around three years.
Until then, motorists should protect themselves from pollens. Only cars with air conditioning are best used and the pollen filter replaced regularly.
It is also recommended to take off the jacket during the ride and stow it in the trunk so that the pollen hanging from it does not end up in the interior of the vehicle.
Furthermore, the window and sunroof should remain closed and the ventilation switched to recirculation mode.
The car should not be parked under trees if possible. The regular vacuuming of the vehicle interior, including the upholstery, dashboard and shelves, can also help. (Ad)