Unexpected hearing loss What to do if a sudden hearing loss threatens?

Just sounded every sound still normal, but suddenly a dull feeling occurs in the ear and you only hear as through cotton wool. In this case, there is usually a so-called "acute hearing loss", which can range from a relatively harmless hearing disorder to total deafness. Among other things, stress is discussed as a possible trigger, but the exact mechanism of its formation is still unclear. Often helps in a sudden loss of hearing already rest, so sufferers should first provide for relaxation.
Sufferers suddenly can not hear properly anymore
"It suddenly felt like my ear was clogged with cotton wool" - with phrases like these many patients describe their complaints before the doctor diagnoses a so-called "acute hearing loss". This usually occurs completely abruptly and without apparent cause and usually affects only one page. In addition to the furry feeling in the ear, the hearing loss is characterized by a limited hearing. This may be relatively low, but in severe cases also mean a complete loss of hearing. Earache, on the other hand, does not occur. "Often it happens in the morning directly after getting up, often in stressful, stressful situations", explains Prof. Dr. med. Gerhard Hesse in conversation with the news agency "dpa". Hesse is chief physician of the Ear and Hearing Institute in Bad Hessian Arolsen and spokesman for the Advisory Board of the German Tinnitus League.

Experts discuss stress as a possible trigger
The reasons for this as well as the concrete development mechanisms could not be completely clarified until today. Also, whether actually stress as a cause of sudden falls in consideration, is not scientifically proven. A few years ago, the hearing disorder known as "ear-infarction" was considered an emergency, so patients with acute hearing loss should go to the ENT doctor immediately. But from today's perspective, such a hasty action is no longer necessary and often not useful, because hectic can quickly lead to panic in the person affected.
Only with complete hearing loss immediately to the doctor
However, if the ear is completely deaf, a doctor should be consulted immediately. Hesse. On the other hand, with only a slight degree of hearing restriction, it is only possible to wait 24 to 48 hours, says the spokesman of the German Professional Association of ENT Doctors, Michael Deeg. Because as the expert explained to the "dpa", hearing improves in this time for most of those affected again. "And even if this is not the case, there is no threat of deterioration, and there is no danger of missing treatment options," adds Deeg, who works as a specialist in Otorhinolaryngology in Freiburg. It is important, however, to provide peace during this time. Relaxation, bedtime and abstinence from alcohol and nicotine are the right measures to help the body recover.
If this does not improve the situation, a visit to the Otolaryngologist is unavoidable. This can first check whether possibly accumulated ear wax is responsible for the symptoms. In addition to infections such as. a middle ear infection or a bang trauma as a result of loud Böllerschüsse o.ä. cause the discomfort. If no other reason can be found, doctors speak of a hearing loss ("exclusion diagnosis"). 40 to 100 out of every 100,000 people, according to Dr. Hesse affected in the year.
Treatment is usually done with cortisone
The starting point of the ear infarction is the inner ear or the cochlea, in which the so-called "hair cells" are located. These have the task of converting sound waves into electrical impulses, which are then transmitted from the nerves to the brain and decoded and finally ensure that we can hear. In the case of a hearing loss, however, these sensitive cells only work to a limited extent in a certain frequency range. The consequences can be quite different for the person concerned. Some experience a dull, waddling sensation in the pinna; Tinnitus (tinnitus) on. However, the symptoms resolve spontaneously in many cases in the first few weeks after the sudden onset of hearing loss. Since the trigger of the hearing disorder is still unknown, there are no medications. If treatment is necessary, it is usually done with high dose cortisone, which is e.g. is introduced directly into the ear via syringe. "The active ingredient regulates the fluid balance in the inner ear and has an anti-inflammatory effect," explains Hesse. For a few days, this therapy is usually well tolerated, the cost would usually take over the health insurance companies.
There are up to 20 percent hearing loss
By contrast, infusions to improve blood flow are no longer used today. "The scientific review has shown that they have no significant effect and may even lead to unwanted side effects," explains Deeg. However, it is not always possible to completely restore hearing with the usual therapy options. According to Hesse, there are 10 to 20 percent hearing impairments. If the attenuation reaches 25 to 30 decibels, it is perceived as disturbing in everyday life, explains Eberhard Schmidt, Hearing Aid Auditor General in Regensburg to the news agency. Then it becomes more difficult to follow conversations in larger groups or to recognize the origin of a sound. "Sometimes hearing is also more sensitive to loud noises after a sudden hearing loss," continues the delegate of the Federal Guild of Hearing Aid Acousticians. In this case, a hearing aid can help, which brings the missing frequencies to the eardrum and mitigates an unpleasant tinnitus.
Lavender can do wonders for stress
If, above all, stress comes into consideration as the cause of the sudden onset of hearing loss, it is particularly important in the case of permanent complaints to learn not only treatment but also a better handling of outside stress. There are many opportunities for stress reduction, such as Sports or relaxation techniques such as autogenic training, yoga or progressive muscle relaxation. At the same time, alternative medicine offers a number of natural "anti-stress remedies" such as Schüssler salts, homeopathic globules or aromatherapy with lavender. (No)