Unexpected Pregnancy Instead of kidney stones, the patient carried a baby in her stomach

In the US, a woman with severe abdominal pain went to a hospital. She and her partner had assumed that kidney stones could be the cause of the pain. In the clinic, however, it turned out that the symptoms were not caused by a disease, but by a baby, who carried the woman in the stomach.
Pregnancy instead of kidney stones
According to media reports, Stephanie Jaegers from the US state of Georgia suffered so much stomachache that she went to a hospital. Since she was also suffering from back pain and had pain and discomfort when urinating, she and her partner thought the discomfort might come from kidney stones. But far from it: The 37-year-old was pregnant.

Belly was only slightly arched
As reported by the Washington Post, Ms. Jaegers was asked when she arrived at the clinic if she was pregnant. She denied this. According to the report, the 37-year-old suffered neither from morning sickness, had no sensitive breasts and her stomach was even slightly arched. In addition, she had her period.
The child was already on the way
But after an ultrasound examination and a blood and urine test, the doctors told her that she was pregnant for about 38 weeks. Not only that - the child was already on the way. Baby Shaun Jude Jaegers was born alive and well.
"What Stephanie and I thought was a kidney stone turned out to be a beautiful little boy," Michael Jaegers reported in a Facebook post. "We're both still shocked by what happened in the last few hours," said the father. "I had a panic attack. Not only were we pregnant, but the baby would be there within an hour! "
Eight months noticed nothing
According to Michael Jaegers, they were often asked how not to notice a pregnancy for eight months. "We always asked ourselves that, if we have heard similar stories!", Says the father.
According to the information came in this case, some circumstances together: First, his wife had been in a precursor to menopause, which is why they had hormone fluctuations. In addition, the baby was in breech, so the child movements were not felt. And Stephanie continued her period.
Numerous births without warning
That one can be pregnant unnoticed, has also been shown in scientific work. For example, the Washington Post refers to a German study published in the journal British Medical Journal (BMJ).
Accordingly, of the women who bore children in the clinics in Berlin's urban area in 1995 and 1996, they did not know about their pregnancy for a long time; In some cases, they did not know it until the baby was on the move. (Ad)