Pollution Microplastic in the air, in drinking water and in food

The disastrous dimensions of microplastic pollution
On holiday, distant countries with exotic dream beaches beckon. When you arrive in the idyllic area, you often see plastic waste lying around. The big objects are of course the most annoying for the well-being. It is the microplastic particles that make up the true extent of pollution. According to the Fraunhofer Institute, microplastics are already almost everywhere in the air, in drinking water and also in food.
In the two-year "Microplastic Consortium Study", scientists from the Fraunhofer UMSICHT institute have determined the current extent of microplastic pollution on behalf of the plastics industry, water management, waste management and research. The results are anything but reassuring. The researchers were able to detect 51 sources of microplastics that release a total of four kilograms of microplastic pollution per capita per year. The amount of larger plastic waste amounts to "only" 1.4 kilograms per capita. A short version of the study results can be found on the website of the institute.

Plastic waste between sand and shells
On some beaches, the small plastic fibers can already be seen on closer inspection between sand and shells, but microplastic is not always visible to the naked eye. So far, plastic particles smaller than five millimeters have been considered microplastic. However, the Fraunhofer scientists do not see this definition as universally valid. "A definition should rather be fixed on the basis of environmental impact," reports the lead author of the study Jürgen Bertling in a press release on the study results.
It is difficult to meet all requirements
The task of documenting the extent of pollution turned out to be a mammoth project. "It is difficult to meet the regulatory, scientific and communicative requirements together," says Bertling. By determining the size and limitation to special plastics or applications, the problem may not be properly limited. The current state of knowledge on this topic is not enough yet, according to the environmental expert.
New classification of microplastics
In the course of the study, a new classification of the individual microplastic types was carried out. According to the Fraunhofer definition, microplastics of type A come from an industrial plastics processing industry in which the pollution is accepted as an exemption, such as plastic balls as exfoliation in the shower gel. In Type B, the pollution is only due to the use phase by abrasion and weathering. As an example, the institute names car tires, soles, textiles or colors. The third category is plastic waste such as packaging, bags or bottles that enter the environment and disintegrate or fragment there.
Assignment of the debt
On the basis of these categories, the institute wants to determine who is involved in pollution and to what extent. The determination of the sources should also clarify the question of responsibility, because depending on the respective source, the responsibility either lies more with the producer or with the end user, the scientists emphasize.
51 sources of microplastic pollution
The Fraunhofer researchers were able to identify 51 microplastic sources and calculate the emissions of the respective sources. For example, tire abrasion, release in waste disposal, abrasion of bitumen in asphalt, loss of pellets and drifts from sports and playgrounds were identified as the largest sources in Germany. Cosmetic pollution is ranked 17th. The study authors emphasize that it is important to reduce pollution from all sources, regardless of placement.
Only the smallest part of the plastic pollution is visible
Overall, the Fraunhofer team was able to determine a total quantity of four kilograms per capita, which migrates unfiltered into the environment each year in Germany. In contrast, the emissions of macroplastic, ie larger plastic waste, would amount to only about 1.4 kilograms per capita per year. What you see in plastic garbage at service areas, in parks and on the beach, is therefore the much smaller part of the pollution.
Is the sewage sludge a starting point for cleaning?
According to the study, a proportion of the microplastics in the treatment plants can be absorbed. This then ends up in sewage sludge, which in turn is used for agricultural and landscaping purposes. This is how the microplastic returns to circulation. "In this case, it has to be examined on a case-by-case basis whether complete incineration of sewage sludge is preferable to agricultural and landscape use," explains Bertling.
A rough summary
"We can assume that microplastics is already in all areas of the environment," summarizes the author. This simply results from the fact that plastics are used everywhere and emissions are spread by wind and water. So it's no wonder that microplastics are found in the air, in drinking water and also in food. Even though there is still no concrete danger potential, all parties agree that the plastics in the environment must be reduced.
New ways of avoiding plastic entry into the environment are also highlighted at the Cradle to Cradle Congress (C2C Congress), which the nonprofit association is organizing at Leuphana University Lüneburg in September. C2C has set itself the goal of rethinking products and services from the beginning to the (new) beginning, so that in the end, as much as possible, no waste or waste is generated.