Environmentalists BPA ban completely inadequate

Inadequate ban on the hormone chemical bisphenol A. Environmentalists call for a general ban on the harmful bulk chemical
With a transitional period of three months, the hormone-like chemical bisphenol-A is banned for the production of baby bottles in Germany. As the Federal Ministry of Consumer Affairs announced, the ban should apply from 1 March 2011. In trade, however, the harmful bottles may still be distributed until 1 July 2011. This only applies to BPA bottles that were produced before the ban. Germany had argued that the bisphenol A EU Directive should be changed. Environmentalists criticize the amendments to the EU directive as "completely inadequate".
Bisphenol-A in short form also called BPA, is a plasticizer that already acts in low doses like the female hormone estrogen. Numerous independent studies had come to the conclusion that the everyday chemical has far-reaching health consequences. For example, several evidence-based studies have shown that BPA has a long-lasting effect on the human hormone balance. Among other things, BPA is responsible for male and female infertility, increases diabetes risk and interferes with sexual development. In every person, the BPA content in the urine can be measured. Because every person comes into contact with the chemical almost daily.
Insufficient BPA ban
The ban, however, extends only to the production of baby bottles. All other products are excluded. Environmentalists and health experts have been calling for years a total ban on the bulk chemical, which is contained in almost all products with plasticizers. Patricia Cameron, chemical expert at the German environmental association BUND, said: "Children are at particular risk, so banning bisphenol A in baby bottles is an important step in the right direction, but it starts in the womb, which is why the chemical must be used in all applications be banned, which can burden children and pregnant women. " The environmentalists had also found in pacifiers Bisphenol A in analyzes by a test laboratory.
4,000,000 tons of bisphenol A in Germany
In Germany alone, around 4,000,000 tons of bisphenol A are marketed each year. Baby bottles take up only a very small proportion. BPA can also be found in many other plastic articles made of polycarbonate as well as in the inner coatings of cans and in thermal paper. If the people are really to be protected, then the BPA ban on baby bottles can only be a beginning, warned the environmentalist and chemical expert. The BUND called for a ban on bisphenol A and other hormone-like substances not only for baby bottles but also for all small children's articles and products that come into contact with food.
Consumers can protect themselves and their children
As many consumers in Germany are now critically eyeing industrial additives, industry has also reacted. In well-sorted specialty stores, consumers can now find BPA-free children's items. This is also reported by the BUND. "Nowadays, almost all manufacturers offer not only conventional children's items such as baby bottles and pacifiers made of polycarbonate but also bisphenol A-free products, which shows that the material is easy to replace and nothing stands in the way of a further prohibition." For example, the products read "BPA free", "without bisphenol-A" or "BPA free". (Sb)
Also read:
Ban on bisphenol-A in baby bottles
Lobbyists prevent Bisphenol-A ban
Study: Girls getting sexually mature sooner
Hormone-active chemicals threaten health
Image: D. Braun