Eating ecologically is quite easy

If you want to eat healthy and balanced, you should also think about the environment. Eating ecologically does not have to be expensive or expensive. The news agency "dpa" spoke with the environmental organization WWF, which has put together with nutritionists some points for an organic diet.
Reduce emissions of greenhouse gases through environmentally friendly nutrition
Those who also have an eye on the environment in terms of their diet can make a significant contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which are held responsible for global warming.
Especially on the subject of meat, according to the environmentalists, there are a lot of things that consumers should be aware of. As they report in a guidebook for the orientation on the meat counter, meat is a pleasure for many people, but has a bitter aftertaste. Because cattle, pigs and poultry would usually be fed with genetically modified soy from monocultures. In addition, manure in regions with intensive livestock farming pollutes the groundwater. Animal husbandry would also be far different from consumer expectations. The WWF therefore advises to pay attention to the quality and origin of the meat when shopping. About 350 grams per week are harmless to health, provided that enough legumes and whole grain cereals are eaten.

Shopping for regional and seasonal food
The environmentalists also advise to regularly eat domestic legumes such as lupine or lentils, as they are rich in iron and zinc. Generally, consumers should shop for regional and seasonal foods. Fruits like the flight Mango are flown over thousands of kilometers to Germany. The transport alone generates vast amounts of greenhouse gases which could be avoided. Consumers can also be careful not to overcharge, because every year tons of food ends up in waste, the production of which is very laborious and anything but resource-saving.
The consumption of eggs and egg products should also be reduced for the sake of the environment and the animals. On the subject of fish, the experts agree: In view of the overfishing of the oceans and the sometimes devastating rearing conditions in fish farming, fish should only be a delicacy, but not every day on the menu. (Ag)
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