Environmental factors hardly investigated in ADHD

Environmental toxins and pollutants are hardly investigated as triggers of ADHD.
(20.06.2010) Environmental toxins and pollutants as the cause of the attention deficit syndrome (ADHD) have hardly been investigated so far, according to the research assistant Ulf Sauerbrey. The ADHD syndrome is now considered the most common psychiatric disorder in childhood and adolescence worldwide. The number of affected children and adolescents in Germany in 2009 was around 500,000, with boys being about three times more likely to be affected than girls.
Ulf Sauerbrey of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena points out this unimportant connection for some time. For example, one year ago Sauerbrey wrote the scientific article "ADHD through environmental toxins?". In this article, Sauerbrey refers to possible factors that could be linked to an ADHD condition. Thus, so-called lifestyle-related "noxious factors" such as smoking or passive smoking can play an important role. But also stay, pesticides, mercury, food additives and manganese could be considered as possible triggers.
In an interview with the news agency dpa, the scientist pointed out that it was wrong not to consider these possible environmental factors in ADHD research. There are indications that pollutants are involved in the development of ADHD. Sauerbrey bases his assumption on the evaluation of some 50 studies investigating the causes of the mental disorder.
So far, research has focused on genetic factors and disturbed brain metabolism as possible major causes. Also the education of the parents is always in focus. For Ulf Sauerbreyist, the relationship between heavy metals such as lead and mercury as the cause of ADHD has not been sufficiently researched. Even today, minimal concentrations of lead can be found in water pipes, fittings and toys. According to Sauerbrey, even European toy manufacturers would repeatedly exceed the lead limits. In addition, mercury can be found in the dental filling material amalgam, here further research is urgently needed. Also critical are the so-called plasticizers in plastic toys. Here again and again substances such as polychlorinated biphenyls are used. Polychlorinated biphenyls are not only carcinogenic but also endanger brain metabolism.
In contrast, the administration of so-called ADHD remedies has been steadily increasing. Medications such as Ritalin, Equasym, Concerta and Medikinet are prescribed by doctors more often. According to a DAK study, the administration of such drugs increased by 4.1 percent compared to the previous year. Last year, the Commercial Health Insurance (KKH) announced a 50 percent increase in the diagnosis of ADHD in the period 2004-2007 as a result of a study. It is all the more urgent to investigate possible environmental impacts in toys, plastic bottles and water pipes. (Sb)