Controversial pesticide Glyphosate continues to be used in Berlin

Only recently, the plant protection product glyphosate was classified as a possible carcinogen. But the Berlin city cleaning adheres to the use of the controversial pesticide. It is still allowed in the European Union until the end of the year.
Berlin city cleaning uses glyphosate
Berlin's Stadtreinigung (BSR) is still using the controversial herbicide "glyphosate", reports the Berliner Morgenpost (Tuesday). The drug was recently classified as "probably carcinogenic" by the World Health Organization (WHO) according to new findings from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). As the newspaper writes, BSR has used the chemical this year on about 150 kilometers of roads to clean up weeds. However, in view of the discussion about the possible health consequences, the BSR is now examining alternatives to its use. Glyphosate is the world's best selling weedkiller. It will be approved in the EU until the end of the year.

For a long time because of possible health hazards in the criticism
Environmental organizations and health experts have long been calling for consequences to avoid possible damage. For example, critics fear that exposure to the pesticide, in addition to cancer, may also cause hormonal imbalances and malformations. Last month it was announced that glyphosate was detected in breast milk. The chairman of the Bundestag Environment Committee, Bärbel Höhn (Greens), then called on the Federal Government to act. Glyphosate is (still) authorized as a weedkiller in 27 EU countries. (Ad)
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