Controversial doctor Mechthild Bach buried

Controversial cancer doctor Mechthild Bach buried
More than 500 people said goodbye to the controversial physician Mechthild Bach during a memorial service in the Hannover region on Friday. The euthanasia advocate had already committed suicide on 24 January with the help of strong painkillers. Related relatives did not have the deceased, whereupon the „Circle of friends Mechthild Bach“ organized a funeral, which took place today on Friday.
500 people took leave
Over 500 former colleagues, companions, patients and friends said goodbye to dr. Mechthild Bach. The cancer specialist had committed suicide on Sunday, January 24, on the night of Sunday. Bach was buried in the Protestant cemetery in Hannover Langenhagen. During a previous devotion in the Elisabeth church, the country superintendent Ingrid Spieckermann said that the doctor had been pilloried by the public for over eight long years and was constantly being taken apart. This long process has been a major burden for the cancer doctor she was during this time „partially brutally medial marketed“. Mechthild Bach had often asked herself at that time, where she still remains as a human being. „That's why she last saw no room for herself“, so the pastor.
Obituaries make serious accusations
Former patients and friends had recently made serious allegations against the judiciary. As it was said in a published obituary notice, Bach got himself „full of confidence“ in the hands of the court. There she is „bitterly disappointed“ Service. The cancer doctor had a significant pioneering role in palliative care held. The obituary notice published in a newspaper signed about 50 companions and friends. Former patients also published numerous advertisements in regional issues of the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung (HAZ) last week. The doctor „was an idealist“ and the court has Bach „no appreciation“, as it was called.
Charged with the death of a total of 13 patients
Bach was charged with the death of a total of 13 seriously ill people. The public prosecutor's office had accused the 61-year-old, the deliberate killing of patients in terms of active euthanasia with the help of an overdose of morphine brought about. Most recently, the district court had not ruled out an indictment for murder. A few days later, the cancer doctor herself administered a morphine dose and died as a result of a toxic overdose. In farewell letters, the deceased once again claimed her innocence, saying she only wanted to relieve the pain of the patients. Ultimately, the murder charge against Bach led to suicide decision. (Sb)
Also read:
Euthanasia process: Mechthild Bach commits suicide
Cancer doctor wrote farewell letters before her death
Funeral service planned for Mechthild Bach
Picture: Hans-Peter Reichartz