Survey study What women find beautiful on the male penis

Dear Dick or skinny, tall or smaller? On what women are in the majority of the best piece of man, was worth a study for medical professionals in Switzerland. But the background of the survey was quite serious. It was about whether an operated penis can be beautiful and which features play a big role. The results were different than previously expected.
What is the most important feature for the beauty of a limb
"What makes a beautiful penis? Which subjective characteristics are important here? "Science also deals with this topic. From a researcher's point of view, sexual preferences and connections are important in order to explore the human being as a whole. Whether it is the length, the circumference, the glans or the testicles that determines the "beauty", the study team of the University Children's Hospital Zurich asked 105 women. The researchers published the results in the journal "Journal of Sexual Medicine". In the article, the study director was surprised by the result.

Participants aged between 16 and 45 years were presented with images of 20 male limbs. During viewing, the women should complete a questionnaire. This dealt with the content of aesthetic issues.
Length or circumference is not the only decisive factor
Decisive were according to the results not the characteristics "length or handling", but the overall impression. In addition, the pubic hair as well as the skin or skin color on the genitals decided. Features such as girth was only in third place and the length in sixth place. Totally unimportant to the women was the slit at the end of the penis. The nature of the urethral opening made no impression on the women.
However, the physicians did not do the study out of joke, but for medical reasons. The doctors wanted to know what effect an operated penis has on women. Among other things, boys in the clinic suffer from hypospadias (hypospadia penis). This disorder is a developmental disorder of the urethra, which is often corrected at a young age of the patient. The mouth of the urethra is located differently than is usually the case. In the survey study, therefore, the doctors wanted to know whether the women make big differences between an operated and non-operated penis.
For this purpose, pictures were submitted to the women. The test subjects did not know before that they operated on and did not see treated penises. According to the study report, the participants could hardly recognize the difference. Only a few saw differences here.
The length is not important
Women of three ages participated in the study (16-20, 25-30 and 40-45). The more active and older the participants were, the more relaxed and open-minded they dealt with hypospadias. In all age groups the women agreed: "The length is not important". (Sb)