Ultrasound screening to protect against aortic tear

Experts recommend precautions for all men over the age of 65
About 200,000 people in Germany are from a so-called „abdominal aortic aneurysm“ This is a pathological enlargement of the abdominal aorta (aorta), which in most cases is caused by vascular calcification (arteriosclerosis). The disease is particularly common in older men and often ends in death, as the aneurysm can suddenly burst and cause internal bleeding. Since in such a case often any help comes too late, surgeons require a legal ultrasound investigation for the early detection for all men starting from the 65. Lebensjahr and for particularly vulnerable groups of people.
Internal bleeding due to sudden rupture of the aneurysm
Especially in older men occurs an abdominal aortic aneurysm relatively often, in particular, active and former smokers are considered at risk, beyond there is apparently also a hereditary predisposition. Since the disease is usually unnoticed by the patient, the greatest danger is that an aneurysm suddenly bursts and there is an internal bleeding (rupture), there are also other risks, for example, in the formation of blood clots in the aneurysm, leading to acute vascular occlusions can lead in the legs. In a rupture, in most cases, any help comes too late, 80 percent of cases end fatally, according to the information of the German Society of Surgery (DGCH) in the run-up to the 131st Surgeons Congress, which takes place from 25 to 28 March in Berlin.
Early detection is particularly important
So important is the early detection of an abdominal aortic aneurysm, therefore, surgeons have long been calling for a statutory ultrasound screening for early detection for all men over the age of 65 years and for vulnerable groups of people, including those with excessive nicotine consumption or arteriosclerosis. „Research shows that such a screening reduces the death rate by half“, said the President of the German Society of Surgery (DGCH), Professor med. Joachim Jähne.
Abdominal aortic aneurysm is usually not noticed
The most dangerous thing about an abdominal aortic aneurysm is that it is often unnoticed by those affected, which can cause the artery to break open all of a sudden. However, according to Professor Dr. med. med. Eike Sebastian Debus of DGG can be minimized by a simple painless ultrasound screening, as the enlargement of the aorta in this way can easily recognize and thus be treated in time. Based on positive experiences from abroad, according to Debus, it can be assumed that the number of deaths and emergency operations could be significantly reduced by preventive examinations: „We therefore call for such an investigation to be introduced in Germany as a statutory health service“, Debus, who is the director of the University Heart Center Hamburg and president of the DGG.
Even vulnerable women should urgently check themselves
In line with current practice in the US, Debus recommends a one-time ultrasound examination for all men over the age of 65, with smokers and ex-smokers in particular being considered a particularly vulnerable group. If they are among the high-risk groups, the vascular expert should also allow women over 65 to have a one-time check-up - this includes women who smoke or who themselves or within the family have a known cardiovascular disease. In addition, there is, according to Professor Debus, yet another group of people in which the risk of an abdominal aortic aneurysm is increased and therefore urgently should be screened: „These include men and women of all ages with already known abdominal aortic aneurysms in the family.“
Do not restrict the examination to vascular specialists
Unless the ultrasound shows any abnormalities, there is usually no reason for further examinations - in the other case, however, must be further controlled at intervals to prevent serious consequences. According to DGG, this would be a very meaningful and effective measure, Debus continued „Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysms is thus much cheaper than, for example, breast cancer screening or screening for colon or prostate cancer. "Another benefit of preventive care is the physician's ability to use it comprehensively, because ultrasound equipment and the necessary expertise are available everywhere. In order to prevent more deaths as a result of an abdominal aortic aneurysm, there should be no restrictions here: „We explicitly do not require any restriction of this study to vascular specialists, "Debus continued.