Corrosive decalcifiers irritate mucous membranes
Corrosive descaler can damage your health
In order to protect equipment against limescale deposits, chemical descalers are often used in German households. Although the decalcification of devices makes sense to protect them from destruction and reduce energy consumption, but also gentle methods can be used by natural means, such as the environmental advice in Bremen currently reported.
Almost every household has appliances whose fuel rods are covered with limescale. In most cases, chemical agents are used to dissolve the lime. All commercially available powdered or liquid decalcifiers operate on the principle that organic or inorganic acids combine with the deposits and then replace them. However, almost all descalers contain corrosive substances that pollute the environment and endanger health. Other means are „easily volatile“ and irritate mucous membranes massively, as the environmental advice in Bremen explained.
Vinegar budget means no alternative
Many consumers use vinegar as a home remedy to protect the environment. Adlerdings also produce corrosive acid vapors in a hot application. Accordingly, vinegar should only be used in cold form as a cleaning agent. However, commercially available natural products based on a citric acid or tartaric acid are available. These are in principle less dangerous to the environment and humans. Lemon acid develops less irritating vapors and is less aggressive. However, any acid attacks the surface and destroys it permanently. For this reason, after the procedure users should wash their hands thoroughly and rinse the surfaces of the equipment with cold and clear water. (Sb)
Image: Egon Häbich