Type 1 diabetes Can be treated without insulin?

Type 1 diabetes Can be treated without insulin? / Health News

Type 1 diabetes: Can be treated without insulin?

US scientists have successfully treated type 1 diabetes in mice without the hormone insulin. They lowered the blood sugar levels of the animals by the hormone leptin.

Leptin is a protein structure-containing hormone that was discovered in 1994 by New York molecular biologist Jeffrey Friedman. The name of the hormone comes from the Greek word „Leptos“ and means „thin“. The name is already an indication of its mode of action: Because it provides in our body for the feeling of fullness. It tells our brain that our energy stores are full. At the liver leptin inhibits the protein hormone glucagon - an antagonist of insulin, which provides sugar. If the glucagon is inhibited, glycogen will not be broken down in the liver, and thus the blood sugar level will not be increased. Even if the mice did not produce insulin in the study.
What the researchers around Professor Robert H. Unger and Dr. May-Yun Wang from the Touchstone Diabetes Research Center at the University of Texas in Dallas and found in the „Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences“ now have published, is quite revolutionary from a biochemical point of view. Until now, it was thought that patients with type 1 diabetes without insulin would have no chance of survival, since the body's own immune cells destroy the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Of all diabetics, however, only every twentieth person has type 1 diabetes and is insulin dependent.

In everyday life, this brings the sufferers but still very little, since you have the leptin, as well as the insulin now, regularly inject and continue to check the blood sugar constantly. But in the long term, in combination with insulin, leptin may in the future eliminate some of the insulin-alone fat metabolism factors: the production of fatty acids by insulin. The researchers now have to find out in clinical trials whether these effects on mice can be transmitted to humans and medically usable. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy, 02.03.2010)

To read more:
Abstract of the study