Despite many diets At this time, eating makes food quite thick

Eating low in calories is a first step in losing excess weight. As scientists have discovered, the best diets do not help food eaten at the wrong time. It can either make losing weight difficult, not throwing a kilo or even gaining weight. This was shown by a recent study by UT Southwestern Medical Center in the US.
UT Southwestern Medical Center physicians found in their current research that eating food outside the active hours of the day causes mice to increase in the laboratory. The researchers published the results of their study in the journal "Cell Metabolism".

With a diet, the calories should be absorbed during the day
In the study, the experts compared the weight of mice with a reduced calorie intake. One group of mice got their food during the day, the other group was allowed to eat late at night. The study results suggest that diets are only effective if calories are consumed during the day, at a time when we are awake and active. Joseph Takahashi.
Eating during the day leads to a higher weight loss
Consuming food during the night does not support weight loss on a diet. However, when the mice consumed their meals during the day, this resulted in increased activity and significantly greater weight loss.
Physicians used an automated feeding system in the study
It has been known for decades that calorie restriction extends life in animals. Nevertheless, these types of studies are very difficult to perform because they require manual feeding with accurate dosing over many years, the experts explain. For this reason, an automated feeding system was used in the current investigation.
Which mechanisms lead to weight loss?
This automated system offered the opportunity to answer questions that were still open. For example, it is about which mechanisms lead to weight loss and extend the life span in mammals, say the scientists. Is it actually the reduced caloric intake or the time when we eat our food?.
Effects of lack of sleep
A good night's sleep can help us lose weight and is important for our health and well-being, experts say. A lack of sleep can affect our relationships, our work and our energy levels. Then we usually react moodily, irritated, hungry and tired, the authors add.
Lack of sleep affects our hormones
In sleep problems, the levels of ghrelin in the natural hormone levels change. This hormone is in the stomach and is responsible for our appetite for carbohydrate and sugary foods. At the same time, our leptin response is reduced. Leptin tells our brain when we are saturated. The changes make us feel hungry all the time, researchers say. This effect is one reason why shiftworkers often struggle to maintain a healthy body weight.
People without sleep problems lose more fat through dieting
Another study has already shown that people on a diet lose about 56 percent more fat if they do not have sleep problems. The researchers found that people with a lack of sleep lost the same amount of weight, but they lost more muscle rather than fat. (As)