Tropical plants produce the orange color of cheddar cheese

Tropical plants produce the orange color of cheddar cheese / Health News
Cheddar gets its strong color from tropical plant
Scientists from the US have recently reported that certain cheeses can protect against liver cancer and thus prolong life. One of these varieties is Cheddar. This cheese is also very popular in this country. He can be recognized simply by the striking color. But where does it come from??

Milk is considered a healthy natural product
Cheese is popular with many German citizens. Whether he necessarily should be on our daily diet, is controversial among experts. This is generally true for dairy products, because although milk was once the epitome of healthy nutrition, there is now a dispute over whether milk is healthy or harmful. Recent studies certify dairy products but above all positive effects on our body. One of the most popular varieties worldwide is Cheddar. Even those who are not familiar with cheese varieties, recognizes him by the color.

Even people who do not know much about cheeses recognize Cheddar in its distinctive color. But how is the popular cheese so bright orange? (Image: Africa Studio /

Bright orange color due to plant dye annatto
Cheddar tastes spicy and is great for preparing savory dishes such as gratins and sandwiches. The cheese, originally from Cheddar, a village in southwest England, is produced worldwide.

In a recent communication, Susanne Moritz from the Bavarian Consumer Center explains where he got his special color from:

"The cheese owes its bright orange color to the plant pigment annatto. It is obtained from the seed shells of the tropical Orleans shrub, which grows in the Caribbean and in South America, "said the nutrition expert.

Lactose-free cheese
The dye belongs to the carotenoids and is considered safe according to consumer advice. On the list of ingredients it can also be marked as E 160b.

The typical spicy aroma of this type of cheese develops after a maturation period of six to twelve months.

"Young" Cheddar only ripens for three months and tastes milder. Traditional producers even let the cheese ripen for up to two years and then sell it as "strong" or "extra strong". Due to the long maturity, cheddar is lactose-free.

According to health experts, cheddar, like some other cheeses, is one of the best sources of protein. (Ad)