Dried fruits promote good health

Dried fruits promote good health / Health News

Dried fruits are well suited for snacks in the office


Dried fruits are a good snack for the office, according to nutrition experts. Nutrition coach Reinhard Karl Üblacker told the newspaper „Märkische Allgemeine“, The ideal snack for the office consists of a crispbread, a rice waffle or dried fruit. These „give the body energy and do not burden him“, emphasized the nutritional coach.

Often, people grab cravings for sweets to high-sugar foods and burden in the long run her health. Better suited is a snack made of dried fruit, crispbread and rice waffles, as this appetite quenches, low in calories and at the same time contains many healthy nutrients, explains the nutrition coach Reinhard Karl Üblacker. The expert advises to create a small supply in the workplace, in order to be able to fall back at the oncoming cravings at any time on the healthy snacks. Who still could not do without sweets, should, according to the diet coach's best to grab chocolate with the highest possible cocoa content. Because „The higher the cocoa content in the chocolate, the less fat“, explained Reinhard-Karl Üblacker. In general, the daily consumption of dried fruits similar to fresh fruits, vegetables and lettuce protect the immune system from possible defensive weaknesses. In natural medicine, dried fruit promotes iron metabolism and naturally boosts your digestion. Dried dark berries provide additional vitamin C. (fp)

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Picture: wrw