Dry eyes When should you consult a doctor?

Dry eyes When should you consult a doctor? / Health News

Common eye problems: Dry eyes are often a case for the ophthalmologist

Especially people who spend most of their working day on the computer know the problem of dry eyes. In the cold season, the complaints are often reinforced by dry heating air. Experts explain from when affected people should visit an ophthalmologist and how to avoid such complaints.

Hours of staring at the screen

More and more people spend a large part of their working time on the computer. When you sit at the desk all day and staring at the screen, you often have problems with your eyes. What can be done when the eye itches and burns? Answers to this have experts of the foundation eye. In a communication published by the "Informationsdienst Wissenschaft" (idw), they also explain when those affected should consult a doctor.

Dry eyes are among the most common eye diseases in Germany. Some tips can help to prevent the symptoms. But in some cases sufferers should go to the ophthalmologist better. (Image: Adam Gregor / fotolia.com)

Tear deficiency or too rapid evaporation of the tear film

Dry eyes are one of the most common eye diseases. About 20 percent of ophthalmologists are being treated for this.

During the cold season, dry heating air, low humidity and prolonged computer work often increase symptoms.

The cause of dry eyes can either be a lack of tears or too rapid evaporation of the tear film.

"The tear film with a sufficient amount of tears is important for the health of the eyes," explains Professor. med. Frank G. Holz, Chairman of the Foundation Eye and Director of the University Eye Clinic Bonn.

"It wets the eye's surface, keeping it smooth and supple, and flushes foreign matter away. It also supplies the cornea with oxygen and nutrients. "

If the composition of the tear film changes, the ocular surface can no longer be properly treated. The unpleasant consequence is pain, itching and tears - a feeling like sandpaper in the eyes.

Other causes of dry eyes

However, there are other causes for dry eyes. "Rheumatic diseases, diabetes mellitus or surgical procedures on the eye can also cause the so-called sicca syndrome," explains Holz.

Also, the long-term use of certain medications - including the anti-baby pill or sleeping pills and tranquilizers - can lead to dry eyes.

The same applies to environmental pollution and climatic influences such as dry ambient air, air conditioners or dust. In addition, dry eyelid inflammation often occurs.

The glands around the edges of the eyelids are blocked, producing the fat content of the tear fluid - the eyes then dry out even faster.

"Patients who experience symptoms such as itching, burning or redness in the eyes, should have this clarified by an ophthalmologist," emphasizes the Foundation Chairman. "Only then can serious, other diseases be excluded."

Different treatment options

There are different treatment options for dry eyes. Tear substitutes can help to moisten the ocular surface. Depending on the severity of different preparations come into question.

"Doctor and patient should decide together which tear substitute is suitable because the efficacy and tolerability are perceived very differently," advises Professor. med. Christian Ohrloff, media spokesman of the Eye Foundation.

"Carriers of soft contact lenses should only use agents without preservatives, as these can accumulate in the contact lens and then damage the cornea," said Ohrloff.

For very severe discomfort and inadequate wetting, the tear ducts can be closed with a small incision to increase the amount of tears available.

Relieve symptoms and prevent

In addition, small measures in everyday life can help to alleviate the symptoms or to prevent eye problems in the office.

  • With these tips, the so-called Office Eye Syndrome can be alleviated:
  • In any case, have your complaints cleared up by eye doctor.
  • Several times daily provide fresh air in the room.
  • Use humidifier for proper humidity in the room.
  • Keep the air circulation in the car low. The blower should rarely be used and the air should not be overheated. Never aim the blower directly at the eyes.
  • Drink enough, i. at least two liters of water a day.
  • Frequent and conscious blinking while reading and working on the computer can help to renew the tear film. (Ad)