Tripper pathogens mutate all remedies for gonorrhea soon without effect

Tripper pathogens mutate all remedies for gonorrhea soon without effect / Health News

Medical experts warn: Increasing resistance to antibiotics makes treatment difficult
The so-called gonorrhea in modern times usually colloquially referred to as gonorrhea. Gonorrhea is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. Researchers from the World Health Organization (WHO) have now announced that in the future, we may soon no longer have effective anti-gonorrhea medicines. There are already fewer and fewer ways to effectively treat the condition.

Scientists from the World Health Organization (WHO) found that gonorrhea is becoming increasingly resistant to common treatments. The doctors published a new guideline for physicians and those affected. This recommends so-called quinolones no longer use for treatment. This class of antibiotics seems to become increasingly ineffective because various quinolone-resistant strains of the disease have already emerged around the world.

Sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise again and there are fewer and fewer options to treat these infections. The bacterial strains of sexually transmitted diseases are increasingly resistant to most forms of antibiotics. (Image: Dr_Kateryna /

Each year, 78 million people become infected with gonorrhea
The WHO now recommends the use of so-called cephalosporins. This type of antibiotic is currently still effective. The recommendations replace the old guidelines. These were already changed in 2003. According to the WHO, about 78 million people are infected with gonorrhea every year.

Super-resistant gonorrhea strain discovered in Japan
The overuse of antibiotics in other diseases (for example, urinary tract infections) is unfortunately so widespread that it has led to resistant strains of gonorrhea, the researchers explain. In 2011, a super-resistant gonorrhea was discovered in Japan.

Originally gonorrhea was well treated by various medications
Gonorrhea has been plaguing humanity for centuries. However, since penicillin exists, we only need some of the antibiotic to treat the disease. The gonorrhea was initially susceptible to penicillin, ampicillin, tetracycline and doxycycline, say the experts. These drugs were commonly used for treatment.

Gonorrhea strains are always developing new mechanisms of protection
Gradually, however, the drugs lost their effectiveness. And several newer antibiotics soon became useless. One reason for this is certainly that the gonorrhea bacterium rapidly mutates to better defend against drugs, the scientists speculate. This creativity to adapt to new drugs is really incredible. The strains are always developing new mechanisms to effectively protect themselves from the new drugs, the doctors add.

Some strains are already resistant to the new drug
Switching to a new class of antibiotics will not solve the problem of bacterial creativity, the authors explain. In some countries, gonorrhea strains are already resistant to the new class of drugs. Other studies have warned that the spread of the dangerous gonorrhea strain is continuing.

The currently used dual therapy could also soon become ineffective
Already in 2012, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that cephalosporins are about to become ineffective in the treatment of gonorrhea. The experts working there demanded that physicians no longer prescribe cephalosporins. Since then, the recommended treatment of the CDC is a dual therapy. In this ceftriaxone and azithromycin are used. But an analysis in June warned that this combination could soon be ineffective.

We urgently need new medicines in five years at the latest
What will happen if antibiotics do not work at all? We will urgently need new medicines in five years at the latest, says Teodora Wi of the WHO Department of Reproductive Health and Research. Because gonorrhea, syphilis and Co. are on the rise.

WHO is also changing guidelines for chlamydia and syphilis
The WHO also revised its guidelines for the treatment of two other sexually transmitted infections. So-called chlamydia and syphilis have so far developed no serious antibiotic resistance. For example, syphilis can be treated with a single dose of penicillin. Unfortunately, there is a worldwide shortage of this drug.

Most sexually transmitted infections are more dangerous for women
Although all three sexually transmitted diseases affect both men and women, they can have particularly devastating effects on women, say the doctors. If not treated, gonorrhea can cause pelvic inflammatory disease and lead to dangerous ectopic pregnancies. Syphilis can spread from a pregnant woman to her child. Chlamydia makes it unlikely that those affected will become pregnant, the experts explain. (As)