Drink and oral hygiene against salivary gland infection

Drink and oral hygiene against salivary gland infection / Health News

Remedy for parotid inflammation

Prevent salivary gland infections with drinking and oral hygiene.


Bacterial infections of the salivary glands can be avoided by drinking enough and careful oral hygiene. A disturbed salivation and the accumulation of bacteria in the jaw-mouth area are often the cause of infection of the parotid gland.

The parotid glands are the largest salivary glands in humans and have an almost unprotected access to the oral flora through their glandular duct, so that bacteria can rise directly from the oral cavity and cause purulent salivary inflammations. According to the expert Prof. Dr. med. Jürgen Ußmüller from the Association of Otolaryngologists, especially people over the age of 60 years are at risk because their salivation is often disturbed by the formation of salivary stones, they often soak too few and occasionally neglect the intensity of oral care with age. In addition, the use of certain medications can lead to dry mouth and weaken the immune system, which promotes the formation of bacteria in the mouth and inflammation of the salivary gland.

"These circumstances promote the penetration of bacteria, especially staphylococci and streptococci, which in turn can lead to inflammation of the parotid glands," emphasized Prof. Ußmüller. As salivary gland inflammation can quickly become chronic, sufferers should consult a doctor who may then initiate antibiotic treatment. The so-called parotitis (parotitis) usually manifests itself in severe pain, as the gland is surrounded by a tight tissue capsule and swelling immediately increase the tissue pressure. Thus, the inflammation associated with severe pain, increased pressure sensitivity and occasionally also nerve paralysis. „Swallowing is difficult and chewing usually increases the pain“, Prof. Ußmüller explained the signs of parotitis. A treatment with antibiotics is in his view indispensable, but in the short term, even cool compresses can have an analgesic and decongestant effect.

Since both a lot of drinking and intensive oral hygiene significantly reduce the bacteria in the oral cavity, such an inflammation of the parotid gland can be prevented relatively effectively, said the expert Prof. Ußmüller. Sugar-free sweets, chewing gum or sour juices also stimulate saliva production, helping to cleanse the glands and reduce the bacteria in the mouth. (Fp)

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