Trick on weight loss Late breakfast and supper before 18 clock double significant fat loss

What influence does the time of food intake have on fat loss??
Many people have problems with their weight. Obesity and obesity are on the rise worldwide. Researchers have now discovered that simply changing the time you eat your breakfast and dinner can cause a reduction in body fat.
University of Surrey researchers have observed a reduction in body fat in people who take their breakfast later and consume their dinner earlier. The researchers published their study results in the journal "Journal of Nutritional Sciences".

Time of meals can have a significant impact on body fat
The times when we eat our meals can have a significant impact on body fat, say the experts. The researchers found that in a ten-week study on limited food intake. Unlike other studies on this particular form of intermittent fasting, participants were not required to follow any particular diet or diet and could eat whatever they wanted as long as the meals were in a specific time window.
How was the study done??
The scientists divided the subjects into two groups: a control group who ate the meals as usual and another group who had to have their breakfast 90 minutes later, while also having dinner 90 minutes earlier. Each participant conducted food diaries throughout the experiment, provided blood samples, and then completed a questionnaire.
With proper timing, almost twice as much body fat could be broken down
The results of the study showed that those who consumed their meals within a certain time window lost on average more than twice as much body fat as those in the control group. The responses to the questionnaire showed that 57 percent of participants in the study group also noted a reduction in their dietary intake, either due to a reduced appetite or a reduced intake of snacks or snacks due to the shorter time they were allowed to eat.
Subjects had problems with maintaining the timing of the diet
Following the study, the researchers examined whether this form of intermittent fasting is sustainable in the long term. However, more than half (57 percent) of the subjects in the Fasting group said they could not maintain their restrictive food window because it was incompatible with their family and social life. On the other hand, 43 percent said they would maintain the meal plan if there was more flexibility in terms of meal times.
Slight changes in meal times are beneficial to the body
Although it was only a small study, it still provided valuable insights into how slight changes in mealtimes can be beneficial to the body, study author Dr. Jonathan Johnston of the University of Surrey in a press release on the study results. Reducing body fat reduces the likelihood of getting obesity and associated diseases. Thus, reducing body fat is critical to improving overall health.
Further studies on limited food intake will follow
However, as stated by the subjects, the fasting time for many participants is difficult to keep and not always compatible with family and social life. Therefore, it must be ensured that such a form of nutrition is flexible and adapted to real life, because the potential benefits of such a diet are clear. Preliminary results are now being used to design larger, more comprehensive studies of time-limited food intake, say the authors of the study.
Controversies on intermittent fasting
This is not the first time that intermittent fasting has been linked to the promotion of fat loss. In 2012, for example, the so-called 5: 2 diet gained in popularity. In this form of nutrition, the week is divided into five normal days of eating and two fasting days, when food intake is limited to 500 to 600 calories. However, this diet has sparked considerable controversy. Because some physicians believe that such a form of nutrition could increase the risk of diabetes and does not reduce the risk of heart disease, as claimed in a previous study. (As)