Separation of PKV and GKV an obsolete model?
Separation PKV and GKV a discontinued model? How long will both health insurance systems coexist??
The separation of private and statutory health insurance is in the opinion of health expert Stefan Etgeton „Discontinued Model“. Etgeton is an expert in health from the Federation of Consumer Organizations.
Side by side a discontinued model
Will there be a parallel continuation of statutory and private health insurance in the future? Will a solidary citizens' insurance be introduced instead or will the public health insurance companies continue to privatize? The consumer protection expert of the Federal Association of Consumer Centers does not believe in the continuity of the juxtaposition of both systems. Stefan Etgeton said to Zeit: "I do not think that our German model with its juxtaposition of legal and private health insurance has a future.“ The expert justified his view above all with the future financial problems of the private health insurance industry. Because it is striking that, contrary to public opinion, the contributions of private health insurance are steadily rising and indeed stronger than in the legal. "We have been seeing for years that contributions in private health insurance are rising faster than in the statutory health insurance funds," said the expert in a conversation with the times. For example, the private insurance industry would do less to counter the rising costs of doctors' fees than the statutory health insurances. That also applies to the medicines- „and these are the strongest cost drivers ".
Insurance broker with high merits
The insurance brokers in the industry still benefit greatly. If you can sell a private health insurance, you will receive between 9 and 18 monthly payments per contract. "This cost factor does not get the industry under control," said the consumer advocates. But without the brokers, the industry will hardly be able to increase the sales rate. They either remain an important factor that can be well compensated.
Approaching the two systems has already begun
The convergence of the two health insurance systems has already begun in the opinion of the consumer advocate. "Even now, the differences between the two types of insurance are smaller, the private health insurance undertakes cost-cutting instruments such as compulsory discounts, and the statutory health insurance funds should introduce the principle of reimbursement“. But where will the journey go? Will a solidary and uniform citizens' insurance be introduced, which will demand the political opposition, or will the health insurance companies experience creeping privatization? The way is still completely open and it will depend on who will form the political majority in Germany in the future. Similarly Etteon in the „Time“: "Either today's opposition parties will eventually introduce their so-called citizens' insurance, which is supposed to offer uniform benefits for all - or we are experiencing a creeping farewell to the two-part insurance market." Many want to say goodbye in the governing parties. ".
Change only makes sense in a few cases
In the course of the health care reform, the Federal Government has considerably eased the admission requirement for employees who want to switch from the statutory to the private sector. By this measure obviously the PKV industry is to be strengthened. But is it really worth a change? In the view of the consumer advocate, the offer is only interesting for very few people and probably only of entertaining duration. "In the short term, the change is especially worthwhile for well-earning people without children." If you are planning a family, the statutory health insurance with its freedom of contribution for children and partners is already attractive again Health costs in old age. " All willing to change should note that a return to the lap of statutory health insurance is hardly possible anymore. If the change of the health insurance system has been made, there is no going back. And that will not change in the near future. (Sb)
Also read:
The health care reform comes into force
Private health insurance: that changes
From 2011: Higher health costs
Picture: Gerd Altmann