Trend reversal ADHD drugs are becoming less and less prescribed

Trend reversal ADHD drugs are becoming less and less prescribed / Health News
Use of methylphenidate decreased by five percent
Over the years, there has been a significant increase in the prescription of ADHD medications, but since 2012, the figures from the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) seem to have reversed. In 2014, consumption of methylphenidate, most notably under the trade name "Ritalin", declined again in Germany.

Medicines containing methylphenidate are used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), although there has recently been a very serious increase in prescriptions. "Between 2002 and 2012, consumption had tripled", according to the BfArM communication ... In 2009, in view of the sharp increase in the number of prescriptions, a European risk assessment procedure was redefined in which the conditions of use were redefined. Since then "drugs for the treatment of ADHD in children and adolescents may only be prescribed by specialists in behavioral disorders and used under their supervision," reports the BfArM. In addition, medical and psychological aspects as well as the social and academic environment should be taken into account in the diagnosis. For the first time in 2013, the new requirements led to a decline in the application.

Changed application conditions are effective
"After peaking at 1839 kilograms in 2012, consumption in 2013 fell by just under two percent to 1803 kilograms in 2013," said the BfArM. Consumption declined again in 2014 and at 1,716 kilograms, around 5 percent less was consumed than in the previous year. "The renewed decline shows that we are on the right track with the changed conditions of use for methylphenidate," explains BfArM President Professor. Karl Broich. The drastic increase in the prescriptions of ADHD remedies has been increasingly critically evaluated, mainly because of the many possible side effects such as loss of appetite, sleep disturbances, anxiety, the risk of depression, growth disorders, palpitations and other impairments of the cardiovascular system. Also, "the significant increase in ADHD diagnoses aroused the suspicion that often too fast a diagnosis is made, for example, early-schooled, slightly immature children. Critics also criticized that other treatment options would be under-utilized and instead early Ritalin application applies. "

Use of ADHD drugs continues to critically monitor
Despite the renewed decline, "the use of methylphenidate continues to require special attention so that patients benefit from targeted therapy and at the same time are protected against uncritical oversupply," says Professor Boich. The decline in methylphenidate consumption is to be welcomed from the point of view of the BfArM. Since the symptoms such as the impulsive, ill-considered action, the lack of concentration and the emotional instability can be a significant burden, must remain in the opinion of the BfArM, however, "that patients, where non-drug treatments show insufficient treatment success and those of benefit from treatment with methylphenidate, which will allow access to this treatment option. "(fp)

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Picture credits: Alexander Altmann /