Sad films encourage desire for greasy food

Sad films encourage desire for greasy food / Health News

More desire for chips in sad films?


A situation that is not unknown to many: a sad movie in the evening, you look spellbound and suffer with - and suddenly the chip bag, which was just full, already empty. But how does this eating behavior come about? Würzburg researchers have now addressed this question in the context of a study, recognizing that emotions seem to influence the human taste sensation - for example, people with negative attitudes could not distinguish between greasy and low-fat if they had previously seen sad movie scenes.

A total of 80 men and women studied for study
For the current study had the Würzburg research team to the psychologist Petra plate „48 women and 32 men between the ages of 19 and 47 and a body mass index (BMI) between 17.5 and 29.71“ The researchers said in their article in the journal PLoS ONE.

All subjects were presented film clips with funny, sad and neutral scenes and were asked before and after the scenes about their emotional state. In addition, participants were asked to drink liquids and to assess their taste - sweet, sour or bitter - according to their intensity, as well as the fat content of milk.

Assessment of fat content after sad movie scenes often difficult
The researchers came to the conclusion that the subjects, who are basically rather negatively tuned, could no longer distinguish between greasy and low-fat, if they had previously seen funny or sad movie scenes. After neutral scenes, however, the participants were able to assess the different fat content without any problem, as well as watching the scenes - according to the Würzburg University.

People in a negative mood are more involved in emotionally charged scenes
According to psychologist Platte, these results may help explain why some people, for example, eat more chips and other greasy snacks while watching television than they normally would: „It may be that people who are in a negative mood, while watching emotionally charged scenes their attention much more on the film as a good or neutral tempered people. "According to plate in this case for the assessment of the fat content of the food no mental capacity available: „The cognitive control over eating behavior fails, and one eats as automatically“, the scientist continues.

Portion oily snacks to avoid the grease trap
For people with frustrations or mild depression and weight problems, certain film content could quickly become a fat trap according to the results of the Würzburg researchers - hence the researchers recommend setting limits for themselves here - rather fill up a portion of chips into a bowl rather than the entire bag to set the table. (No)

Picture: Hedwig