Traumatic injuries are complex

Traumatic injuries are complex / Health News

Trauma: Interdisciplinary team examines complex causal relationships


Whether in traffic or at home in the fall of the ladder: In every tenth German citizens it comes through an accident to severe traumatic injuries. In addition, in many cases psychological trauma, which accidents often have serious consequences for those affected and their relatives. At the same time, the company also incurs costs of 70 billion euros annually through its supply - a problem that puts the University of Ulm in its hitherto unique network „trauma research“ employed.

One in ten suffers severe traumatic injuries
On average, 14 patients are admitted to the Ulm University Hospital every day as an emergency in the Surgical Outpatient Department. In addition, four times a day, victims with traumatic injuries are flown in by rescue helicopter. Only last year, 46,300 people were hospitalized in Ulm and more than 230,000 outpatients. The figures from the university city of Baden-Württemberg give an idea of ​​how often people need medical care in hospitals as a result of accidents: Every tenth person in this country suffers severe traumatic injuries in traffic, at work or during sports.

Accidents often result in psychological trauma
But not only that, because of physical injuries (medically „trauma“According to the university hospital, psychological traumas often occur, causing about 7 to 12 percent of the population to become so-called „Post-traumatic stress disorder“ would develop. Accordingly, traumas are now a „people suffering“, which, on the one hand, has a negative impact on the quality of life and performance of the patients and also causes costs totaling around 70 billion euros per year.

Research to better understand diseases and healing processes
In order to investigate the complex interactions between traumatic experiences and mental health problems, a unique network has now been established at the University of Ulm. „We conduct research to better understand diseases and healing processes and to develop better therapies,“ said the Dean of the Medical Faculty, Professor Thomas Wirth. The central approach is that not only the bones would be injured in serious accidents, but also other structures in the body - as well as the soul: „Tissues or organs are also affected, the immune system and the circulation react, the psyche as well“, said Professor Florian Gebhard, Director of the Department of Trauma Surgery at the Unimedizin Annual Press Conference on Monday.

network „trauma research“ brings together competences
According to Professor Harald Gündel, head of the Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, the network has been set up for research „trauma research“ educated: „Together with the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry / Psychotherapy, we also want to find out how traumatic experiences can be passed on across generations - and how to promote the processing.“ A promising project from the point of view of the Medical Director of the University Hospital, Professor Klaus-Michael Debatin, in that combining the competences can result in positive results for the patients: „Surgeons, psychotherapeutic doctors, psychologists and materials researchers work together to address a national problem.“

In children, mental trauma is often not treated at all
According to the Medical Director of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry / Psychotherapy, Prof. Dr. med. Jörg M. Fegert, psychic trauma often not diagnosed or diagnosed too late: „We investigated the efficacy of trauma therapies in children and then used the effective therapies in a specific trauma therapy outpatient clinic. At the same time, we try to ensure in a research network that traumatized children, e.g. Get help early in children's homes and other facilities.“ (No)

Image: Monika Torloxten