Black cohosh medicinal herbs with side effect

Black cohosh medicinal herbs with side effect / Health News

Black cohosh: medicinal herbs with side effects


People often resort to medicinal herbs to treat themselves in a more natural way. But obviously herbal remedies are not always the gentler alternative. Medicinal plants also cause side effects.

Medicinal plants with side effects
Many menopausal women use herbal remedies containing black cohosh. These help against symptoms such as sleep disorders, hot flashes or restlessness. It seems increasingly popular to resort to natural remedies for a variety of ailments, rather than prescription drugs. However, studies show that medicinal plants can also cause side effects. So also investigations from Austria. There, the pharmacologists Barbara Strommer and Sophia Kohm from the University of Vienna are researching the active ingredients of black cohosh. Their results were recently published in the journal „Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics“ released.

Black cohosh makes frogs sleepy
As „The standard“ Reportedly, the researchers investigated the effect of black cohosh on the messenger y-amino acid, or GABA (gamma-amino butyric acid), in the brain of African clawed frogs. GABA receptors are involved in motor control and sleep behavior. It turned out that the herbal remedy potentiates the effect of the important messenger GABA. From the active ingredients of the black cohosh, the frogs are so sleepy and quiet, because the function of the nervous system is attenuated. It is said that the effects on humans still need to be collected in a clinical trial. As has been reported, the preparations can reduce insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, anxiety or stress, but also lead to undesirable effects such as sedation and inability to travel. Basically, then: „The dose makes the poison“.

Keep correct dose
Side effects are also known in other medicinal plants. For example, peppermint oil, which stimulates the gastric juices and is used inter alia in the form of a gastric acid-resistant capsule for the treatment of irritable bowel. As „The standard“ writes, the digestive action can also irritate the stomach. Another example that is mentioned is ginger, which is used as a home remedy for bloating or travel sickness. However, pregnant women should avoid ginger, since it could cause contractions. In addition, people with sensitive stomach or gallstones should not eat ginger. Two plants that are used in constipation are senna and psyllium. Again, it is important to keep the right dose, because too much Sennes can cause constipation. Extracts from the plant should not be used for intestinal obstruction, inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn's disease and abdominal pain of unknown cause. If psyllium is taken, you must drink enough water, otherwise the seeds can not swell up and stick to the intestine.

Natural home remedies
In natural medicine, ginkgo is also a widely used remedy. Among other things, it should help with tinnitus and boost memory, but could also cause headaches or gastrointestinal irritation. Garlic can boost the immune system, but it also has a blood thinning effect. True St. John's wort, recently added to the „Medicinal plant 2015“ is used as a natural remedy for depression. The plant can also cause dizziness, fatigue or sensitivity to light. People who are allergic to Echinacea, which is used for colds, should refrain from doing so and so should yarrow, which is used as a home remedy for flatulence. „The standard“ Also includes acetylsalicylic acid, the active ingredient of willow bark, which has analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is the natural origin of the active ingredient known as aspirin. The side effects of the drug have long been known: among other things, it can cause stomach pain. (Ad)

Picture: H. Zell, Wikipedia