Trans fat is an everyday health hazard

Trans fat is an everyday health hazard / Health News

Trans fat damages humans


Many of our favorite foods, such as the popular classic currywurst with chips, contain harmful trans fat. However, those just sustainably damage our health. Trans fatty acids, also abbreviated to TFS, are unsaturated fatty acids. These are very often found in industrially manufactured food such as crisps, ready meals and puff pastry.

The inclusion of glycerol-containing trans fatty acids increases the level of unwanted LDL cholesterol in human blood. This inevitably leads to the lowering of the desired HDL cholesterol. Dr. Maria Pfeuffer from the Max-Rubner Institute in Karlsruhe tells dpa: „Trans fatty acids alter the fatty acid pattern in the cells and in the blood“. The LDL cholesterol is increasingly deposited in the vessels and thus promotes the development of arteriosclerosis. „The effect in this regard is even far less favorable for the trans fatty acids than for the saturated fatty acids“ says the nutritionist. The high intake of trans fats significantly increases the risk of coronary heart disease and diabetes.

Wholesome nutrition minimizes trans fat risk
The recommendation of the German Society for Nutrition (DGE) is less than one percent of the daily consumption of trans fats. Originally trans fat marked a small revolution. Chemists succeeded „About 100 years ago, liquid vegetable oil can be brushed and thus made more durable“. The triumph of margarine conquered kitchens and households. Only much later did health questions arise.

Mainly trans fats are made in industrially produced vegetable fats, e.g. Fryer fat isolated. These arise when the hardening of the fat was not complete. Full nutrition with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, rice, pasta, potatoes, low-fat milk and dairy products almost completely excludes the use of trans fat. In comparison, normal milk fat contains only five to six percent of trans fat, while industrial hardened vegetable fat contains up to 60 percent.

Trans fats are often homemade
Excessive heating of food and fats can cause the unwelcome trans fats to be produced at home. The content of trans fatty acids does not need to be specified in the products throughout Germany. However, individual US states have already banned trans fat-containing foods. The US regulator is even considering a nationwide ban. Foods that reference “without hardened fats“ show, do not contain trans fatty acids. The agricultural scientist Harald Hoppe from the initiative Bio-Spitzenköche advises less consumption „especially what frying products and many baked goods“ concerns. „Better to cook and bake yourself - and pay attention to good fats.“ he stated to the dpa.

Healthy fats

When „healthy fats“ One refers to those that are treated very gently in the production or obtained. Non-machine cold-pressed oils that are not tempered during the manufacturing process are recommended for health reasons. This keeps the ingredients undamaged and the nutrient density of the fats. Good sesame or olive oil is produced and should also smell like the original product. Many industrially produced oils are often odorless, which only underlines their poor quality. (Bn)

Picture: Tim Reckmann