Tragic death due to diet change Baby dies by superfood eating

Tragic death due to diet change Baby dies by superfood eating / Health News
Death by Superfood: Baby dies because parents changed his diet
Health experts advise to go to the doctor quickly if you suspect lactose intolerance. In Belgium, parents did not seek medical advice but "diagnosed" lactose and gluten intolerance with their baby and then changed their diet. As a result, the baby died.

Superfood instead of mother's milk
Breastfeeding is considered to be the best nutrition for a baby, because in breast milk are in optimal composition all the nutrients that the child needs in the first few months of life. Still, many mothers breastfeed their baby way too short. Even a woman in Belgium apparently breastfed her little son shorter than is generally recommended. According to media reports, she has decided together with her husband to feed the offspring with so-called superfood. Then the baby died.

In Belgium, a seven-month-old baby starved and dehydrated because it was fed superfood. The parents had independently - without consulting a doctor - suspected a gluten and lactose intolerance in their son. (Image: Mita Stock Images /

Baby was starving and dehydrated
According to Belgian press reports, Lucas, who was seven months old, weighed only 4.3 kg when he died - and thus only about half as much as normal at that age.

The infant was starved and dehydrated, as doctors later discovered.

According to the information, his parents had fed him only with milk substitute from oats, buckwheat, quinoa and rice. Now they are in court.

Infant did not tolerate baby food that well
According to the reports, Lucas was breastfed by his mother in the first few months after his birth and received the vial. But apparently the boy did not tolerate the food so well.

However, the parents then did not consult a physician, but simply assumed that their son is suffering from a gluten and lactose intolerance (lactose intolerance).

Parents' lawyer Karine Van Meirvenne said, "Lucas had an eating disorder, according to a British Daily Mail report. He got cramps when he was bottle-fed, and his parents tried alternatives. "

Therefore, they gave him products that they sold in their own health food store. As a result, the boy has repeatedly increased and decreased, according to the mother. Lucas had always been happy and played, as the customers of the store could have seen.

Only when the baby had to vomit violently, the parents had gone with him to a homeopath, who sent her immediately to a hospital. Arrived there, it was already too late.

Not suitable for infants
"The parents have determined in their own diagnosis that their child has a gluten and a lactose intolerance," said the responsible prosecutor.

"Not a single doctor had a dossier on Lucas, nor did child protection services know anything about them."

Pediatrician Elisabeth De Greef from the University Hospital of Brussels explained in the "Daily Mail" that feeding quinoa milk and similar products to babies is an absolute "no-go".

"These types of milk that you can buy in a supermarket do not contain the necessary proteins, minerals and vitamins."

"They are not adapted to babies and therefore unsuitable."

The prosecution demands a prison sentence of 18 months for the parents. Among other things, the defense argues that the couple still have three daughters, who are doing well with their parents. The verdict is expected in mid-June. (Ad)