Tragic and yet a big miracle Brain-dead woman gives birth to healthy baby

Tragic and yet a big miracle Brain-dead woman gives birth to healthy baby / Health News
Dead Mother will be kept alive 55 days to save her baby
Can a dead woman bring a healthy baby to the world? Normally no, but doctors in Poland have now managed to keep a brain-dead mother alive for more than 55 days to save her unborn baby. The relatives of the mother had asked the doctors about it.

The medics from Poland tried everything possible to save an unborn baby. The doctors in charge of the University Hospital in Wroclaw kept a brain-dead mother alive for 55 days, thereby saving her offspring. The extreme preemie was born by caesarean section and at first weighed only about one kilogram.

Physicians from Poland kept a brain dead mother alive for 55 days before rescuing her unborn baby (Image: Tobilander /

Child of dead mother was born already in January
Already in January, the little boy was born in Breslau, whose birth mother had been brain dead for 55 days. On Tuesday, April 19, 2016, the doctors from the University Hospital in Wroclaw announced that they had managed to save the Brain Death's baby, reported the news portal Focus online. After the newborn was successfully born, the doctors discontinued the mother's life support activities.

Mother died of a brain tumor, kinship insisted on rescuing the child
Normally, pregnancies are rarely maintained for so long. At such an early stage of pregnancy (after 17 or 18 weeks), many complications can occur that make the project much more difficult. The 41-year-old pregnant woman had already been admitted to a hospital at the end of last year, said the doctors. The expectant mother suffered from a brain tumor and a short time later was declared by the experts for brain dead. The entire family of the dead mother demanded that we do everything possible to save the child, explains Professor Barbara Krolak-Olejnik, the head of the department for newborns at the University Hospital of Wroclaw, according to the news portal Focus online.

Physicians maintained vital functions for 55 days to keep baby growing
Maintaining the vital functions of the brain dead mother was a 55-day battle, says Prof. Krolak-Olejnik. The physicians tried to achieve that the unborn baby could grow as long as possible. It should evolve as long as possible in the womb, but eventually the day came when the life of the unborn child was severely threatened, explains Prof. Krolak-Olejnik. Therefore, the doctors were forced to make a delivery of the baby by caesarean section. The newborn then saw the light of day in January, the 26th week of pregnancy. This time was about three months before the regular date of birth, explain the experts.

Baby weighed only one kilogram at birth
At birth, the tiny boy weighed only one kilogram. Now after three months in the intensive care unit of the hospital, the little one weighed as much as three kilos. The doctors were so happy with the baby that it was even allowed to leave the hospital. Now it is important to be patient and to wait and see how the child develops and how it grows in the near future, explains Prof. Krolak-Olejnik. Meanwhile, the child is no longer dependent on medical devices, the baby drinks normally from the bottle and breathes completely independently, explains the Polish doctor, according to Focus online. (As)