Toxic shock syndrome vaccine against so-called tampon disease successfully tested

Toxic shock syndrome vaccine against so-called tampon disease successfully tested / Health News
The world's first vaccine against toxic shock syndrome developed
If certain pathological bacteria in our body spread, this can lead to a life-threatening toxic shock syndrome (TSS). The TSS became known mainly because of its increased occurrence in tampon users who neglected a regular change of toiletries. But other factors can cause the onset of the syndrome. Science has now developed a vaccine against the TSS and successfully tested its use

The researchers from the University Clinic for Clinical Pharmacology at the Medical University of Vienna, in cooperation with the Biomedical Research GmbH in Vienna, developed the "world's first, safe and effective vaccine for this disease", according to the MedUni Vienna. The results of a corresponding Phase I study have been published in the journal "The Lancet Infectious Diseases".

Viennese researchers have developed and successfully tested a vaccine against toxic shock syndrome. (Image: fovito /

Blood poisoning by tampons
Bacterial toxins, which are mostly released by bacteria of the genus Staphylococci, can cause severe circulatory and organ failure in the form of TSS. "For the first time, this syndrome was described in the 1980s," reports MedUni Vienna. At that time, young girls who used so-called "super tampons" for the purpose of monthly hygiene had general symptoms of sepsis or blood poisoning. As a result, the disease was also known by the term "tampon disease" and provided for a regulation of the receptiveness of tampons. To date, however, cases occur repeatedly in which patients die from toxic shock syndrome.

Staphylococci usually trigger the TSS
For most people staphylococci pose no particular threat. They colonize virtually every human being, especially on the skin and mucous membranes, explains MedUni Vienna. The head of the Biomedical Research GmbH and former professor at the Institute of Immunology of the Medical Faculty of the University of Vienna, Martha Eibl, said that the bacteria in people whose immune system is already damaged, but can lead to serious diseases such as the toxic shock syndrome. Among other things, this includes dialysis patients, the chronically ill, people with liver diseases and people after cardiac surgery. Basically, however, around 50 percent of cases are "still associated with the menstruation of young women," emphasizes Bernd Jilma from the Vienna University Hospital Clinical Pharmacology.

Preventive vaccination for risk groups possible in the future?
The researchers obtained the new vaccine from a "detoxified toxin" of staphylococci and tested it in a Phase I clinical trial as safe and effective in 46 young women and men, according to the MedUni Vienna. The vaccine is injected into the upper arm muscles and its effect is similar to that in a tetanus vaccine, explains Bernd Jilma. The researchers assume immunization for a period of five years or more. Vaccinated individuals develop antibodies, which become active when the germs become threatening, the researchers report. By means of a blood test, it can be determined whether someone has too little antibody against the bacteria. Thus, certain risk groups could be identified for which a preventive vaccination makes sense.

Phase II study in preparation
According to Martha Eibl, the researchers are "well on the way to soon having a vaccine that will prevent this serious disease." However, it will take years to clinical use, limits the researcher. However, the scientists are already preparing a Phase II study with a larger group of participants to review the initial promising results. "Further participants are still being sought," emphasizes Bernd Jilma. (Fp)