Jerusalem artichoke This is the best way to taste healthy

Jerusalem artichoke This is the best way to taste healthy / Health News

Raw, cooked, roasted: how it tastes best


The modern kitchen is always varied thanks to exotic ingredients. But also old vegetables such as Jerusalem artichoke experience a revival for years. Many hobby chefs are unsure about individual ingredients, whether they should be eaten raw, cooked or roasted better. The news agency dpa has put together some interesting information.

Jerusalem artichokes can be eaten raw or cooked
Let's start with Jerusalem artichoke. The Jerusalem artichoke tuber, a relative of the sunflower, is grown much like a potato. It has a fine brownish skin and white flesh. As it is in the magazine „Effilee“ (Spring 2015 edition) means that the fresh tubers in foil keep in the refrigerator for several days. For processing, brush the tubers, whose nutty taste resembles that of the artichoke, under water and protect the cut surfaces with lemon juice from becoming brown. Topinambur can be eaten raw or cooked and tastes good, for example, in a salad with carrot, apple and onion or as Jerusalem artichoke soup.

Healthy tuber helps to lose weight
The tuber tastes not only delicious, but it is also healthy. Thus, Jerusalem artichoke in natural medicine is appreciated by its nutritional properties. Especially in the tuber contained inulin plays in the treatment of obesity or obesity and diabetes a significant role. Jerusalem artichoke can help you lose weight by taking the cravings for sweets. This is done by stabilizing the blood sugar level. In addition, the consumption of the tuber causes a long-lasting satiety. It should be noted that excessive consumption can lead to gas and diarrhea.

Peanuts are not nuts at all
The agency next addresses the peanuts, which are not nuts at all, but legumes. But unlike peas or beans, the shell of the peanut remains closed even when ripe. As the consumer center Bavaria explains, she has this in turn in common with other nut varieties. The fat content of almost 50 percent is another commonality with real nuts. And the taste is one reason why the peanut is usually mistaken for the nuts. The peanut aroma typical of this country is created by roasting.

Remove the bitter skin of the tamarillo before eating
Tamarillos, also called tree tomatoes, are berry fruits that can be spooned out like kiwis. The pulp, which is rich in vitamin C, provitamin A and in minerals such as iron, calcium and magnesium, also tastes good in fruit salads, in sorbets, as a spread, in jams or chutneys. Ripe fruits can be recognized by the fact that the shell gives way to light pressure. The consumer information service Aid points out that the very bitter skin of the tamarillo should be removed with a sharp knife before eating. This is easier, if you brew the fruit before with boiling water. Originally from South America egg-shaped fruits have jelly-like flesh. The tamarillo is colored yellow, orange or red depending on the degree of ripeness.

Cheese loses its flavor when frozen
Fresh herb potherbs can be recognized by its bulging, white stem. These mushrooms do not need to be cleaned before cooking. The Federation of German Mushroom and Cultivated Mushroom growers advises slicing herb slices lengthwise before frying or cooking. The herb chanterelle, which got its name because it grows on the roots of herbs, remains, unlike other mushrooms, even after heating stuck. Finally, the agency is dedicated to the cheese in the message. This loses its freezing taste and texture. That's why thawed cheese is best used as an ingredient for cooking, such as a gratin or grated on pasta. The Landesvereinigung der Bayerische Milchwirtschaft explains that hard and sliced ​​cheese as well as mozzarella are particularly suitable for the freezer compartment. Whether sliced ​​or grated, the most important thing is to pack the cheese absolutely airtight. Then he stays in the freezer for up to three months. (Ad)

> Picture: M. Grossmann