Top-healthy 110-year-old Agnes Fenton has been drinking three beers and a whiskey every day for 70 years

The regular consumption of alcohol is unhealthy according to numerous studies, makes you fat and shortens the life. But that does not seem to apply to all people. A woman from the US has been drinking alcohol every day for 70 years. Now she has celebrated her 110th birthday.
American has been drinking for 70 years
According to health experts, regular consumption of alcohol interferes with muscle performance, damages nerves and organs - as well as the pancreas, in addition to the liver - and favors the development of overweight or obesity as well as mental disorders and cancers such as liver or colon cancer. The frequent consumption of beer, wine and schnapps shortens the life span and is particularly risky for women. Even small amounts of it, according to a study according to the heart of women especially bad. All these scientific findings do not seem to apply to Agnes Fenton. The US-American already celebrated her 110th birthday. Even though she has been drinking alcohol every day for 70 years.

Every day three beers and a whiskey
Just recently, the lady from New Jersey had celebrated her anniversary with the family. The former nanny has enjoyed three bottles of beer and a shot of whiskey every day for 70 years. According to media reports, she generally enjoys good health, hears and sees well and reads her newspaper daily. According to the information, a doctor who had diagnosed a benign brain tumor had advised her to drink. She stuck to the rules and opened three bottles of "Miller High Life" beer every day after 5pm, rounding off her dose with a short whiskey. However, the American does not believe that alcohol is responsible for her old age and her exceptional health, but her belief in God.
110-year-old moderates something
Although there are isolated scientific studies that concluded that - moderate - alcohol consumption can promote good health and, for example, lower the risk of heart attack, only recently a British study has shown that positive effects of alcohol have been refuted. Agnes Fenton has also limited her alcohol consumption. The nurses of the 110-year-old discouraged her from the ritual, because their increasing loss of appetite in combination with the alcohol could have a negative effect. In her hometown her birthday was declared "Agnes Fenton Day". (Ad)