Top surgeon is away patients tend to survive

Top surgeon is gone: Patients with better chances of survival
As with other diseases, it is believed that a heart attack is best treated in a specialist clinic and ideally also by the head physician. But when the deputy surgeon of a hospital operates, the chances of survival for the patient are apparently higher.
Top surgeon at the doctors congress
If health problems with your heart require medical help, you would most often like to be treated in a specially equipped clinic and then immediately by the head physician in person. The fact that this usually remains a wishful thinking, is obviously for the patients of enormous advantage. Because like the Swiss Internet portal „“ According to researchers from Harvard Medical School in Boston, sufferers whose hearts go crazy is to go to a hospital whose top surgeon is at a medical congress.
Higher death rate in the presence of the top surgeon
For their study, the team led by Anupam Jena examined the data of tens of thousands of patients who were hospitalized between 2002 and 2011 with heart failure, heart attack or cardiac arrest. The scientists recently published their findings in the journal „Jama Internal Medicine“. During the investigation, it was noted that the death rate in the severe cases was always lower when a cardiologist congress took place at the same time. Thus, 60 percent of those treated died within 30 days when the top surgeon was away. However, if he was present and cared for the patients, it was 70 percent.
Substitutes make less complex interventions
This shows that the risks of surgery are often greater than the benefits, the researchers say. However, it is unclear whether this is because the deputies make less complex interventions and thus play it safe. However, the scientists advise against changing the current practice without further research. They evaluate their results „“ rather, as an indication that severely ill people often operate too fast.
Reduce heart attack risk by healthier lifestyle
The number of deaths from heart attacks has fallen slightly in Europe in recent years, but far too many people are still dying. According to experts, the number could be reduced enormously, possibly even halving, if people were living healthier lives. The risk factors include diabetes and hypertension; Diseases that are often associated with obesity or obesity. Experts advise people to do more, to eat less, but to eat better, to reduce their consumption of meat, and above all, not to smoke. (Ad)
Picture: Martin Büdenbender