Do not peel tomatoes! The best is in the shell

Do not peel tomatoes! The best is in the shell / Health News
Do not peel! Healthy tomatoes carry the best in the shell
That you should not peel many fruits and vegetables, is known to most people. Often, healthy plant substances are mainly contained in the shell. This is also true for tomatoes.

Healthy ingredient in the shell
In many fruits and vegetables, healthy phytochemicals are often found in or just below the skin. For example, the substance lycopene not only gives tomatoes their red color, but also makes them very healthy. According to an earlier study, this red phytochemical even protects against stroke. "Consumers should not peel tomatoes. Otherwise you will miss the best, "the consumer information service" aid "explained in a statement.

Do not peel tomatoes. Image: Pixelot-fotolia

Lower cholesterol
Lycopene is a carotenoid that is antioxidant and protects the cells in the human body. In addition, it should contribute to lowering cholesterol, thus reducing the "bad" LDL cholesterol level. In addition, lycopene is fat soluble and heat resistant. Prepared tomatoes, such as soup or sauce, are therefore at least as healthy as they are raw. Because tomatoes are about 90 percent water, they are particularly low in calories and therefore well suited for light cuisine.

Rich in vitamin C and fiber
Furthermore, tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, potassium and fiber. They are best stored at room temperature, they lose their delicious aroma in the refrigerator. Ideal is a dark and airy storage. Only recently it was reported that possibly genetically modified purple tomatoes could be bred for health in the future. Currently, you can often find orange or green varieties in the market and in the vegetable department. According to the aid experts, these usually do not taste any worse than the red ones. However, this does not apply to the small cherry tomatoes: they should be enjoyed as ripe and red as possible. (Ad)

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