Tomatoes from the supermarket usually taste bland

Tomatoes from the supermarket usually taste bland / Health News

Fader taste of tomatoes from the supermarket


Although tomatoes from the supermarket look appealingly red, they often taste bland. American researchers have now found out why the tomatoes do not taste quite right. A gene responsible for the beautiful red color of the tomatoes destroys the taste at the same time. Many growers have manipulated the tomatoes until the typical taste of tomatoes has been completely lost.

Destroyed gene is responsible for loss of taste of tomatoes
Visually, tomatoes from the supermarket offer everything the customer wants. They are well formed and bright red. But the taste leaves much to be desired. But how did the loss of taste come about? This question was answered by biochemists led by Ann Powell of the University of California. Their results were published in the journal "Science".

According to the scientists, the tomatoes have been genetically reprogrammed to look perfect and turn flawlessly red. However, the taste remained on the track. A gene responsible for the formation of the flavorings was destroyed in the effort to create the optically perfect tomato. The affected gene is normally involved in the increased formation of chloroblasts, which give immature tomatoes their green color and produce sugars and carotenoids. However, during the ripening of the tomatoes, the gene also causes the tomato to not turn completely red, leaving behind a green spot on the stem approach.

For more than 70 years, breeders have been trying to produce a uniform red color of the tomatoes. Supposedly the demanding customer wants a perfect product. Although tomatoes today are flawless and uniformly red due to the genetic reprogramming, at the same time the taste genome was destroyed as well.

More gene modifications to tomatoes
The scientists now want to genetically modify tomatoes so that they are both tasty and visually appealing. It remains to be seen whether the project succeeds. Presumably many consumers would prefer to return to the original, non-genetically modified tomato, even if it does not have a flawless appearance. However, since genetic research in the food industry is almost inconceivable, every type of fruit and vegetable will be presented in perfect looks in the future as well. Consumers who reject the genetic changes to foods can only rely on organically produced products. (Ag)

Picture: Rainer Sturm