Deaths from colonoscopy by propofol

Deaths from colonoscopy by propofol / Health News

About 180 people die every year during gastric or colonoscopy by the administration of the anesthetic Propofol


Every year, up to 180 people in Germany die during a colonoscopy following the administration of the anesthetic Propofol. This resulted in an evaluation of the Hannover Medical School (MHH).

In many cases, patients wish for a strong sedation in case of an unpleasant colonoscopy, in order to feel nothing of the examination. With a corresponding dosage, the conscious perception is virtually eliminated. The patient can not remember the reflection after the procedure. During the examination, the patient is in a kind of trance state and can follow the instructions of the doctors. Frequently used is the anesthetic Propofol. According to a study of the Hannover Medical School (MHH), however, there are always unwanted side effects, some of which lead to death of the patient. According to the study results, propofol causes several deaths per year in gastrointestinal surveys. Of 10,000 examinations using propofol, about 3 patients die each year. Calculating the total number results in an annual death rate of about 180 patients.

Side effects of Propofol
Potential side effects of this product may include sudden drop in blood pressure (due to decreased peripheral vascular resistance), muscle spasms, and slowed breathing. Also observed were arousal phenomena and allergic reactions. Some patients report so-called „Bath trips“, where bad dreams in retrospect as „Really experienced“ being represented. In very rare cases and with a longer duration of use can lead to serious metabolic disorders with disorders of the cardiovascular system. Physicians also report a possible muscle spasms and the so-called „Propofol Infusion Syndrome (PRIS)“.

Opposite the news magazine „FOCUS“ explained the anesthesiologist and medical assessors med. Uwe Schulte-Sasse that propofol in some cases lead to unconsciousness of the patient. The presence of a second doctor would be indispensable. The gastrointestinal reflections must be stopped in such cases and the patient stabilized.

The anesthetic is in the public theme again and again, for example, the pop star Michael Jackson died of an overdose of the drug. The personal physician Jackson had administered the anesthetic to reduce sleep disorders. The controversial doctor Mechthild Bach succeded by overdose. The product is approved for clinical use only. (Sb)

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Image: Maria Lanznaster