Death drug Crystal Meth increasingly popular

Death drug Crystal Meth increasingly popular / Health News

Crystal Meth is developing into „Everyday drug“


The dangerous drug „Crystal Meth“ is on the rise: The white, crystalline and highly effective stimulant, which was formerly known primarily as a party drug, seems to be consumed more and more often in everyday life to increase performance. The methamphetamine is extremely dangerous, because it is extremely addictive, so in many cases even a single use of the drug is sufficient to become dependent.

Highly concentrated form of the stimulant amphetamine extremely dangerous
For methamphetamine, in short „Crystal Meth“ It is a highly concentrated form of the stimulant amphetamine, which is consumed by all age groups, but so far primarily as „Party drug“ in the club scene - also under the names „Ice“ or „Glass“ - was known. But now, a study commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Health has shown that Crystal Meth seems to be getting more and more attention „everyday drug“ and is used by both employees and students to improve their performance. Again „mirror“ In the study, 50% of the 400 surveyed drug users reported that in addition to the „pleasant effect of the substance“ the occupation was the reason for the intake of methamphetamine. Just under three-quarters of respondents said they also consumed the drug at raves or parties, and sexuality also played a role in more than half (50.3%) of respondents.

Trade is booming, especially in the German-Czech border area
Many users would get theirs according to the study „material“ from foreign countries close to the border, especially in the German-Czech border area, the trade in crystal meth seems to be booming, which is above all a major problem for Saxony and Bavaria. But that's not enough, because as the Drug Commissioner of the Federal Government, Marlene Mortler (CSU) told the magazine, there is „Evidence of an extension of the drug from the German-Czech border area to more remote regions, especially in major German cities“. For this reason, the politician is urgently needed for a stronger education - a subject of the study, which Marlene Mortler is expected to publish in the course of the week.

Performance increase central consumption motive
Thus, Crystal Meth does not seem to be an exotic party drug any more, but has become a very common street drug that is consumed by more and more people - even outside the drug scene. So the number of „first notified“ According to information from the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), in 2012, consumers were once again clearly at 2,556 (2011: 1,693), and the BKA also recorded significant increases in methamphetamine (plus 35 kilograms / plus 88 percent) in 2012 in terms of total security. Accordingly, crystal meth - like cocaine - has evidently become an everyday drug that many users are not concerned about „zuzudröhnen“, but above all, to increase your own performance - an aspect that plays a central role in an increasingly more and more of deadline pressure, (too) high demands and congestion. Precisely in occupations or industries where countless hours of overtime, project work and weekend work as well as constant pressure are part of normal everyday life, stimulant drugs such as methamphetamine or cocaine can therefore be the supposed ones „kick“ to meet the requirements and deliver the highest performance. But the danger is immense - because especially with Crystal Meth, the chemical composition of the risk of dependence is huge, often already reaches the first contact with the drug. (No)

Image: Dozenist, Wiki