Death by diet pills 21-year-old woman dies of overdose

The 21-year-old Eloise Aimee Parry obviously felt too fat. As reported by "", the young Englishwoman used slimming pills to lose weight. She made a fatal decision and took more than was allowed. The young student poisoned herself with it, doctors could do nothing more for them. Her mother told the English "Mirror": "She is internally burned." According to the information Parry had ordered the diet pills on a website on the Internet. It is said that she did not know that these tablets contain highly toxic dinitrophenol, also called DNP.
Ministry warned of risks years ago
DNP has also been discovered in Germany in slimming products. Even at low dose, it can be deadly. The North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of Health warned of the substance years ago. DNP is toxic according to the experts and is suspected to cause cancer. Particularly dangerous is that the substance accumulates in the body and therefore even small doses can cause serious and life-threatening effects such as hypotension, cardiac arrhythmia, rapid overheating of the body, respiratory distress, multi-organ failure and much more, the ministry said.
Student took eight instead of two pills
The young Englishwoman had taken more than the recommended amount. "She did not know how dangerous they were," her mother said. After taking it, she suddenly felt unwell and drove to the hospital, where she told the doctors what was going on. A toxicological report showed how bad the situation was. The drug was already in her bloodstream, there is no antidote. Although only two tablets were allowed, the student had taken care. As her condition worsened, the doctors tried to stabilize her circulation and when she stopped breathing, she was connected to a respirator. "When her heart stopped beating, they could not revive her," said the mother. "She had taken too much DNP, so the consequences were unavoidable. There was never a chance to save her. "
Warning about pills from the internet
The local police warn on their website to buy pills from the Internet. "We want to alert the public to be very careful when buying medicines or supplements from unregistered websites. These could be extremely harmful, expired or fake. "The Food Standards Agency (FSA) also issued a warning:" We advise the public not to take any tablets or powders containing DNP. It is industrial, chemical and unsuitable for human use as it can be extremely hazardous to health. "As concludes, Eloise's mother is certain that many people underestimate the risk of diet pills:" DNP is no miracle pill. It's a deadly poison and similar in structure to TNT, so it can drive your metabolism to an explosive level with fatal consequences. "One that underestimated this effect was Eloise. (Ad)
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Image: I-vista