Mix essential bath oil with milk or cream

Mix essential bath oil with milk or cream / Health News

Mix essential bath oil with milk


In winter, a bath with essential oils is the best way to find relaxation and rest against the persistent cold. If you ignore some important hints, for the experience could be ugly. This is what the newspaper refers to „New pharmacies Illustrated“.

In natural medicine, essential oils are used for mucus solution in the upper respiratory tract as well as to relieve abdominal pain, cramps and flatulence. The oils play an important role in aromatherapy. Here the beneficial oils are used for the treatment of sensory disorders, disorders caused by fragrances or for the relief of stress symptoms.

Add milk or cream plus essential oil to the water
For a bath, it is advantageous to add an emulsifier to the essential oil before the bath oil is added to the bath water. For a full bath, 50 to 100 milliliters of cream, a tablespoon of whole milk or a tablespoon of honey are best suited as an expert in the field „New pharmacies Illustrated“ reported. Since essential oils are not water-soluble, it floats on the surface of the water, if no emulsifier was previously added. What many people do wrong: It is important to first allow the bath water to soak in the tub completely before the natural bath additive is added. The bath water temperature should not be less than 35 and not more than 38 degrees. Bathing should not last longer than 15 to 20 minutes. Anyone who has previously experienced dizziness or circulatory problems is best to get out of the bathtub immediately. (Sb)

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Picture: Dr. H. Hoppe