Therapy approach Red wine burns fat cells

Helps red wine to lose weight?
American researchers have found that red wine can help with weight loss, at least in mice. It also improves liver function. The findings stir new hopes for the use of wine as a therapeutic.
Red wine supports fat burning
American researchers from Oregon State University have a report from the „Focus“ According to a glass of red wine or grape juice, it helps to reduce fat burning and can help with dieting. According to reports „Daily Mail“, that the ellagic acid contained in grapes stimulates the metabolism of humans and helps to prevent diseases. Professor Neil Shay explained that the acidity in the grapes slows down the growth of existing fat cells and prevents the emergence of new ones.
Experiments with mice
„By promoting fat burning, especially in the liver, these herbal substances could improve liver function in overweight people“, so the professor. Shay's team did an experiment with mice fed excessively over ten weeks with little exercise. According to the researchers, the animals developed a fatty liver and showed signs of diabetes, much like obese people with sedentary lifestyle. A mouse administered the grape extract in addition to the excessive feed developed less fat cells in the liver than the normal fed mice and had a lower blood sugar level.
Hope for use of wine as a therapeutic
Although the effect of red wine on fat cells fuels new hope for the use of wine as a therapeutic, it is of course not a matter „Wonder Recipe“ to lose weight, as the scientists emphasized. They want to deepen their research. „Although the experiments in vitro and animal studies are promising, the mode of action in humans can not be predicted“, is the study leader in a message from „“ cited.
Health promoting effect of moderate red wine consumption
The health-promoting effects of moderate red wine consumption discovered so far are primarily attributed to resveratrol. For example, the red wine ingredient has been shown to have positive effects in diseases such as arteriosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, arthritis or heart disease. Last year, scientists from the Mainz University Medical Center, in cooperation with scientists from the University of Jena and the University of Vienna, reported that they had gained better insights into how resveratrol inhibits the formation of inflammatory factors that trigger cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks. A study from the US also showed that resveratrol in cells activates a protective program against stress. Resveratrol is also an ingredient in red wine extract as a nutritional supplement on the market. (Ad)
Image: Timo Klostermeier