Daily yoga at work avoids backache

Doctors are studying the effects of yoga in the workplace
Back pain is widespread around the world. In the US alone, about four out of five people eventually experience back pain during their lifetime. In the UK, back problems are even one of the most common reasons for going to the doctor and staying away from work. But there is an easy way to prevent back pain: yoga.
Researchers at Bangor University found in their recent research that yoga can significantly reduce back pain. Even patients with chronic back pain benefit from yoga exercises. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Occupational Medicine".

Yoga exercises can positively affect back pain
Old Indian yoga programs include stretching, breathing and relaxation methods that can reduce back pain and musculoskeletal disorders. A number of studies have identified the benefits of yoga for human health. Patients with chronic back pain who regularly practice yoga have fewer sick days each year compared to non-yoga-performing people. However, little has been thought about the benefits of workplace programs so far, say the authors.
Researchers examine 150 subjects
As subjects for the investigation, 150 NHS employees from three hospitals in North Wales served. The staff were randomly assigned to either a yoga group or an educational group. The yoga group received a total of eight 60-minute yoga sessions, which were attended once a week for a total of eight weeks. In addition, the yoga participants received a DVD for the home practice. These subjects were asked to practice yoga at home for ten minutes each day for a period of six months. The so-called education group received only two books on how to deal with back pain and reduce stress in the workplace.
How did the yoga classes go??
The yoga program used in the study was based on Dru Yoga. This form of yoga relies on soft, flowing movements. At the beginning of each session, there were a series of gentle warm-up exercises, followed by eight stretches to release tension from the shoulders and hips. Then, participants took four special back positions to smooth the spine and improve posture. Thereafter, relaxation techniques were used to create a general sense of positive health and well-being, the authors explain.
Effects of yoga exercises
After eight weeks, the scientists found that most yoga participants had a greater reduction in back pain compared to the education group. After a total of six months, comparing NHS staff files, it was found that yoga participants were 20 times less ill than those in the education group due to musculoskeletal disorders (including back pain). Within six months, the yoga participants also visited a medical doctor for back pain only half as often.
Ten minutes of yoga with tremendous effect
The biggest improvements came from participants who practiced yoga at least 60 minutes a week at home. Already ten minutes of yoga per day has doubled the reduction of back pain. Many patients also said the exercises also helped with stress management.
Few employers in Europe offer yoga classes
In the US, about a quarter of all major employers offer some form of meditation or yoga. Unfortunately, such workplace programs are very rare in Europe. Preventing back pain makes good business sense and saves a lot of money. So yoga is not only beneficial for employees, but also for the economy. (As)