Daily apple consumption can prevent heart disease and type II diabetes

Many important vitamins and minerals
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away": Again and again, new studies prove the famous English saying and show how valuable apples are for the health. On the one hand, they are true "vitamin bombs" and contain lots of trace elements, phytonutrients and ballast and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron. "The health benefit lies in the entire apple", because the large mix of valuable ingredients work together in the popular fruit, explains the nutritionist Meinrad Lindschinger.

Despite the many health benefits, many people rarely eat apples. Therefore, tomorrow's traditional "Apple Day", which will take place for the 43rd time, will once again focus on the "all-rounder" and inform about its positive effects.
Positive effect in diabetes and cardiovascular diseases
"Apples, for example, have a positive effect on our digestive system, cholesterol, diabetes or on cardiovascular and cancer diseases," said the expert. Therefore, they should be integrated into the diet every day. It is "high time that we adapt the diet to the needs of humans and not vice versa," adds Lindschinger. The apple should not be peeled for consumption, however, because 70 percent of the nutrients would be in or just below the shell.
As the nutritionist reports, a study has shown that the valuable fiber of the apples have a great effect. Accordingly, after the six-week consumption of two large apples per day, the fiber content in the intestine of the subjects had increased by 22 percent. "And the apple is a light food, because it consists of 85 percent water and has only about 60 kilocalories," says Lindschinger. (No)