More than 300 Germans die prematurely each day as a result of smoking

Smoke harms the health; Everyone knows that. How big the dimensions are, but then again and again surprised. According to experts, around 300 people die prematurely every day in Germany as a result of smoking. Germany is far behind in terms of tobacco control in international comparison.
smoke harms the health
According to scientific research, one in ten deaths worldwide is caused by smoking. Smokers not only get sick and die of lung cancer. The smoke of cigarettes also increases the risk of several other types of cancer and other diseases such as smoker's or smoker's cough, asthma, chronic bronchitis and heart attack and stroke. More state intervention and improved non-smoker protection could prevent many deaths. But Germany is obviously struggling here.

Germany in tobacco control on the penultimate place
"Tobacco control is one of the last places in Europe," said Prof. Dr. med. Heino Stöver from the Institute for Addiction Research of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (Frankfurt UAS) in a recent communication on the occasion of World No Tobacco Day on 31 May.
Expressed in absolute terms: With 16.3 million smokers, Germany ranks among the top ten states with the most smokers.
According to a study published in the journal "The Lancet", one in seven people in this country is dying from smoking, which is even higher than the worldwide average.
Although the prevalence of smoking in Germany has declined slightly since 1990, it is much lower than the average of all countries worldwide.
According to the report, the number of smokers in Germany among men fell by an average of 0.9 percent per year in the past 25 years, and only 0.3 percent among women.
The Germans are world champions - at the cigarette vending machines
Germany is a taboo consumption country: a prevalence of 25-28 percent dependent smokers is only surpassed in a few European countries (eg Austria and Greece).
"With the cigarette vending machines, we are world champions: 330,000 machines are not available anywhere else," says Stöver.
"Your tacit message, in my opinion, is that tobacco consumption is part of everyday life and the cityscape. Therefore, I demand to abolish all machines. The registration by bank card or identity card as an adult was indeed a right step to protect the young, but can easily be bypassed and I'm not far enough. "
Every day, 300 Germans die prematurely as a result of smoking
In Germany, there are 110,000 tobacco-related deaths each year, which means that 300 people die prematurely each day as a result of smoking. "Consequential damage of smoking is the most common cause of death in this country," Stöver said.
The medical expenses of smoking such as medical expenses, treatment and hospital expenses, lost time and non-smoker damages are estimated at about 21 billion euros per year.
"Tobacco policy is one-sidedly focused on abstinence in Germany while harm-reduction strategies are being taboo for those smokers who can not or will not quit yet. Smoke reduction programs and e-cigarettes should take on more important roles here, as has already been done in other countries, such as England, "said Stöver.
"In addition, comparatively little is done in Germany for effective tobacco prevention. Germany is the only country in Europe that still allows tobacco advertising to go unrestricted, which should not be, "says the expert.
"Tobacco control policy must finally take effective action against smoking and consistently put health interests above the tobacco industry's economic interests. Losses from tax revenues should not play a role here, "Stöver said.
In the past, other experts for a tobacco advertising ban have made strong. According to the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Germany is still a smoker's paradise. (Ad)