Expensive cream no better than discount skin cream

Expensive cream no better than discount skin cream / Health News

Skin cream from discounters as well as expensive anti-aging cream


Expensive skin creams do not keep what they promise. Discounted anti-aging creams of discounters reach an identical effect, according to dermatologists. Expensive branded products are therefore nothing more than „pure waste of money“, explained the Munich dermatologist, Josef Pilz, to the news agency „DAPD“.

The expensive skin creams often advertise with special ingredients and a particularly positive effect on the skin. Younger, smoother and altogether nicer the skin should appear through the anti-aging cream. Dermatologists, however, see this promise as extremely critical. A „depth“ can not be reached by the creams, „their potential effect fizzles on the surface“, explained Josef Pilz. Here, therefore, much money is required for little effect.

Expensive skin creams could not keep the advertising promise
The advertising promises of expensive anti-aging creams sound tempting, but actually can not be achieved according to the experts with the products, the desired effect. Special ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, vitamin E or Q 10 are indeed active ingredients „basically also good for the skin ", but they can not develop the promised depth effects, explained the Munich dermatologist Josef Pilz. „The molecules of the drugs are usually too large to penetrate through the cornea“, said the dermatologist. The expensive paid, special care substances therefore remain on the skin surface, instead of developing a tightening effect in deeper layers. „In addition to a care effect of the outer skin layer, no anti-aging process is set in motion, regardless of how expensive the cream is“, stressed mushroom.

Expensive creams do not achieve an improved skin care result
In perfumeries special anti-aging creams are sometimes available for prices well over 50 euros per pack. The manufacturers let the promise of eternally young skin pay dearly. However, in special investigations, the expensive products would not have achieved better skincare results than cheap skin creams from the discounter, explained the Munich dermatologist. There are the discounter products „already for a few euros.“ The expensive anti-aging creams are therefore „pure waste of money.“ In general, according to the Munich dermatologist, however, daily creaming of the face, neck and décolleté is certainly recommended. Optimal support of the skin is possible „with a light, moisturizing and well-tolerated cream“ to reach. In this way, "even without an expensive anti-aging program, natural skin aging can be counteracted". (Fp)

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Image: Clarissa Black