Be sure to freshen up the tetanus vaccine after ten years

Be sure to freshen up the tetanus vaccine after ten years / Health News
Tetanus vaccine: tetanus vaccine refreshed every ten years
Tetanus is dangerous: Even minor injuries can trigger this infectious disease, which damages the muscle-controlling nerve cells and can potentially be life-threatening. Experts recommend a regular refresh of the vaccine.

Even small injuries can be dangerous
Tetanus is a bacterial infectious disease that is spread worldwide. When the pathogens enter the body, they can trigger the life-threatening tetanus. The spores of the bacterium can be found in the soil, road debris and intestinal excretions of some ruminants. Even minor injuries such as small splinters or gardening can endanger tetanus.

Tetanus may be life threatening. A vaccine can protect against the dangerous infectious disease. For this she needs to be refreshed regularly. (Image: Kzenon /

Illness can be life threatening
"An infection is caused by the penetration of bacteria spores through wounds in the body, if at the same time there is no vaccine protection", explains Dr. med. Frank Bergmann from the Professional Association of German Nervous Physicians (BVDN) based in Krefeld on the information portal "Neurologists and psychiatrists in the network".

"Under the exclusion of oxygen, the bacterium multiplies and secretes toxins. These toxins damage the muscle-controlling nerve cells or even the heart and the disease can potentially be life-threatening, "said the physician.

Renew vaccination every ten years
According to the information, the incubation period lasts between three days and three weeks and may in rare cases amount to several months. "The main symptoms of tetanus are muscle cramps that occur with pain and stiffness on average about eight days after infection," explains Dr. miner.

The only way to prevent this infectious disease is the tetanus vaccine recommended by the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) for all infants, children and adolescents and all adults. The statutory health insurance companies pay the costs. After a disease has been overcome you are not immune to tetanus. Adults should renew their vaccine protection every ten years. (Ad)