Test benzene in mineral water with taste

Test benzene in mineral water with taste / Health News

Stiftung Warentest examined flavored mineral waters


Be it apple, orange or strawberry - sparkling mineral water is becoming increasingly popular with consumers because it promises a light and healthy alternative to lemonade or soft drinks such as cola or fanta. But is it really the fruit content in the flavored waters? The Stiftung Warentest asked itself this question and examined different water with fruit taste - with partly terrifying results.

25 products in the test
For the May issue of the journal „test“ examined the experts of the Stiftung Warentest „25 waters with flavor in the flavors apple, strawberry, raspberry, blackcurrant, cherry, peach, peach-passion fruit, orange, lemon and lemon-lime“ among other things with regard to pollutants, sensor technology, packaging and declaration and were unable to score a single product „Well“ give - instead received even five waters „Inadequate“. For example, according to a recent press release from the Foundation, there are fruits on the labels that would promise full fruit flavor, however „the tested waters with taste contain only art flavors“, for the experts therefore a clear „consumer deception“.

Worrying find of benzene
Of particular concern is the discovery of benzene, because the carcinogenic substance was found in three beverages with cherry flavor (Penny / Elitess aqua plus cherry, Volvic cherry and Vitrex cherry)“. The value was at the mark „vitrex“ „[...] at 3 micrograms per liter, well above the limit of 1 microgram of benzene per liter for drinking water“, so the announcement of the foundation.

Follow-up due to study by the NDR
The fact that the tested products were even tested for benzene, had only „Last minute“ revealed, because according to the foundation had only „critical levels of benzene in an investigation of the NDR shipment „market“ found in soft drinks and published earlier this week“, Reason for follow-up given. Where the benzene comes from, however, could not be clarified yet. Until now, it was known from previous research that benzene is produced from the preservative benzoic acid, provided that the beverage contains ascorbic acid - but this is not the case with any of the products of the current test. Therefore, according to Stiftung Warentest, further investigations are now under way, but for publication in the „Test magazine“ The findings came too late - but as soon as new results are available, they should be made available free of charge on the Foundation's website.

High sugar content in almost all drinks
In addition to the benzene, the testers found plenty of sugar in almost all waters - the hardest hit here were strawberry-flavored drinks, which consumed a good 70 grams of sugar per liter, which equates to 23 cubes of sugar. A majority of the flavored waters does not seem to be a slight alternative, as only two products proved to be free of sugar.

The taste also gave the testers reason to criticize: Thus, in only one case, the taste of the product as „typical“ for the pictured fruits, otherwise the drinks only tasted „flavored and only fruit-like“, so the Stiftung Warentest, therefore was „the name „natural fruit taste“ misleading on some waters“. But that's not all, because with five products, according to the experts, the aroma was not even listed in the list of ingredients - so they should not be sold at all.

Better prepare your own flavor
However, those who prefer to drink their water with a taste recommend Stiftung Warentest to simply mix their own thirst quencher. Tea is therefore a good base because it offers a variety of flavors from herbs to fruit and is virtually free of calories. In addition, everyone can decide for themselves how rich in taste they would like their refreshment drink, for example by using only one tea bag per liter of tea instead of three or mixing a cup of tea with one liter of cold water. In addition to tea, juice is also well-suited as the basis for a refreshing cold drink - a small amount of juice is enough to give the water a light fruit aroma. A little more work, but guaranteed without additives is of course the self-pressed juice, for example, lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit.

But according to Stiftung Warentest, it does not always take the whole fruit, because water can already be flavored a little bit by pieces of fruit. Any fruit from apple to strawberry to lemon is an option, and cucumber and ginger slices, lemon balm, mint and basil could be used for additional pep. Basically consumers should, according to Stiftung Warentest, however, take care to "always wash fruits and herbs thoroughly and ideally use untreated ingredients". Then you need no flavored drinks that have nothing to do with fruit in the least. (No)

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Picture: Sigrid Rossmann