Telephone hotline Advice on Internet addiction in children

Many children and adolescents today use smartphones, tablets and computers extensively. The boundaries between "normal" use and addictive behavior are fluid. A DAK health study has recently shown that every fifth student is irritated by online time restrictions and is restless, which may be an indication of addiction. On 3 February, parents will have the opportunity to contact the search experts at the German Center for Addiction Issues at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf for questions on using their children's Internet at the telephone hotline of DAK-Gesundheit.
When will children be considered addicted to the internet? How much time should be spent at what age maximum with a smartphone or tablet? Answers to these and other questions get parents at the telephone hotline, according to the DAK. The service offer is available free of charge to customers of all health insurances. Parents can find out about the right way to use smartphones, tablets and computers here.

Escape from problems
According to DAK, boys and girls spend more and more time using tablets, computers and smartphones. The DAK study "Internet addiction in the nursery" has shown that about one in ten students uses online services to deliberately flee from problems. "With seven percent of children, Internet use even jeopardizes an important relationship or educational opportunity," reports the DAK. Boys are twice as likely to be affected as girls. Here the parents are asked to act. "It is important to teach your children clear rules in dealing with the new media," emphasizes Professor. Rainer Thomasius, head of the German Center for Addiction Issues of Childhood and Adolescence.
Recognize Internet and computer gambling addiction
The search experts not only provide information on the boundaries that mothers and fathers should use when dealing with the Internet, but also explain how parents can address specific problems with their children, and what are the criteria for an Internet or Internet Detect computer gambling addiction. In addition, parents can find out here which help services exist for those affected and relatives. The search experts can be reached on 3 February from 10 to 18 clock under the telephone hotline with the free phone number 0800 1111 841. (Fp)