Tea drinkers have a longer service life

Tea drinkers have a longer service life / Health News

Regular consumption of tea can prolong life


Some studies point to positive interactions of special tea ingredients and human DNA. This could explain why regular tea drinkers are less likely to suffer a heart attack in epidemiological comparative studies, are less affected by osteoporosis or by cancer.

Those who drink tea regularly suffer less frequently from cancer, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Numerous long-term studies have already arrived at this result. So far, it has not been known why. A German research team led by chemistry expert Nikolai Kuhnert from Jacobs University found that „molecular-biological interactions exist between some ingredients of tea and human DNA“. These could be responsible for the positive effects and longer life expectancy.

So far, scientists have assumed that antioxidants in so-called polyphenols strengthen the health of tea drinkers. About 70 percent of these natural substances are contained in the tea dry matter. For example, black tea has about 30,000 such compounds.

Antioxidants protect against tissue damage
In fact, antioxidants can prevent tissue damage by binding and eliminating so-called free radicals. Free radicals are produced, for example, by added toxins and environmental influences. Recent research in recent years, however, showed that not only the polyphenols may be responsible for the antioxidant effects. For this reason, so far no convincing explanations for the health effects of tea have been provided by scientists.

The researchers from Bremen led by the study director Nikolai Kuhnert could now show for the first time which mechanisms lead to the positive effect. Presumably the effect of the plant substances is based on molecular biological interactions with the genetic material stored in cells. On the basis of the findings that the polyphenols can be found in the tea plants, especially in the cell nuclei, the researchers used different spectroscopy methods. The goal was to find out how the molecules correspond to the DNA. It was found that the tea polyphenols epigallocatechin gallate from green tea and theaflavin digalat from black tea very often enter into connections with DNA particles and proteins that are at the end of chromosomes. The two mentioned polyphenols are among the most abundant in teas. The DNA parts, also called telomeres, are essentially responsible for preserving the chromosomes and protecting them from destruction.

Regular tea enjoyment prolongs cell life
If cell division occurs, the enzyme telemorase cuts off a portion of the telomere. The more the enzyme cuts off the telomer, the less effective it remains. If a critical shortening is achieved, the cell can not continue to divide and dies. However, continuous tea drinkers can at least slow down this process because the polyphenols in tea prolong the process described and thus prolong the cell life.

Based on the research findings „We assume that this positive stabilizing effect on the genetic information in the long term also improves the health and life expectancy of the entire organism“, says Kuhnert. The scientists were able to confirm this assumption on the basis of an experiment with fruit flies. The lifetime of the flies was extended by the consumption of tea by about 20 percent. „In principle, any chemical compound that docks to the telomeres in this way can have this effect; Interestingly enough, we have not yet known any other natural substance that stabilizes telomeres as effectively as tea polyphenols, "explains the chemist.

The team's work is based on in vitro studies with humanoid telomeric DNA. In the next step, the researchers now want to find out how the polyphenols in tea in the human organism behave in everyday life. It could turn out that polyphenols accumulate in the tissue through regular drinking of tea. „For the first time, we would have the proof that a drink is capable of prolonging people's lives“. If successful, it would then be an extremely interesting starting point for medical and clinical studies to investigate the therapeutic potential of tea polyphenols. "Another research project of the University Hospital Halle is currently investigating the potential of green tea for the prevention of colon cancer. (Sb)

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Image: Michael Grabscheit