Deadly epidemic WHO fighting new Ebola outbreak

Deadly epidemic WHO fighting new Ebola outbreak / Health News

The WHO is preparing for a major Ebola outbreak

The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently trying to stem Ebola virus outbreaks with partners and the DRC government. In the region, 34 Ebola cases have been reported in the last five weeks, including two laboratory confirmed cases. In 18 recent deaths, WHO considers Ebola likely to be a cause of death. High risk area is the largely inaccessible province Equateur.

A multidisciplinary team of WHO experts, local health authorities and MSF met on 10 May 2018 in Bikoro, a small town in Equateur Province. The team is gathering more data to analyze the extent and causes of the epidemic. Ebola treatment centers will be set up in the next few days. From there, patients should be cared for, mobile laboratories set up and further Ebola cases tracked down. In addition, WHO is planning a vaccination campaign with the national authorities.

The WHO is currently trying to contain the Ebola outbreak in Congo to prevent a major epidemic. (Image: Lukas Gojda /

Director-General of WHO locally

"I myself am on my way to the Democratic Republic of the Congo to assess first-hand the needs," reports the WHO Director-General. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, in a WHO press release on the current situation. The Director-General would like to personally take stock of the situation and ensure the support of national health authorities.

Can WHO prevent a major outbreak??

"I'm in contact with the Minister of Health and have assured him that we will do everything we can to stop the spread of Ebola," Dr. Tedros. He mobilized all partners to send more personnel, equipment and supplies into the area. The WHO supports the DRC government in coordinating the auxiliary forces.

The extent is still unclear

"It's too early to judge the extent of this outbreak," explains Dr. Peter Salama, WHO Deputy Director General for Emergency Preparedness and Response. However, the general situation indicates that stopping this outbreak will be a serious challenge. "It's going to be tough and it's going to be expensive. We have to be prepared for all scenarios, "summed up Salama the situation. To make matters worse, according to Salama, three assistants already show Ebola symptoms.

Moderate risk for surrounding countries

The WHO currently rates the risks to surrounding countries as moderate. "The WHO has already alerted these countries and is working with them on border surveillance and preparing for possible outbreaks," the press release said. No travel or trade restrictions have yet been imposed in or with the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The operation plan for the coming days

On May 12, two mobile laboratories will be set up. Four mobile isolation units, each with five beds, are currently being installed on site to treat infected persons in a sealed-off area. In addition, an airlift will be set up, which will last for three months, and which will quickly provide equipment and materials for use by the experts.

funding requirements

WHO released one million US dollars from its emergency fund to initiate the rapid response. Based on the current valuation, the estimated budget for international deployment is $ 18 million for a three-month operation. The UK trust "Wellcome Trust" and the UK Department of International Development announced a commitment of up to three million pounds to support the rapid response to the outbreak. (Vb)