TCM studies electro-acupuncture effective in carpal tunnel syndrome

TCM studies electro-acupuncture effective in carpal tunnel syndrome / Health News
New examination: Acupuncture helps with carpal tunnel syndrome
Electro-acupuncture improves the symptoms in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome by an altered processing of nerve impulses in the somatosensory cortex of the brain. This could show scientists from the USA.

Deaf fingers are also a typical consequence of carpal tunnel syndrome. (Image: Henrie /

In carpal tunnel syndrome, the nerve conductivity is reduced. It is also possible to observe changes in the brain: In the somatosensory cortex, the distance between the points, which are activated by irritation of the skin on the second and third fingers, is reduced.

The researchers now wanted to investigate whether the Elaktroakupunktur has an effect on the effect. For the study, the 80 participating patients with carpal tunnel syndrome were divided into three groups. All patients received 16 treatments over eight weeks. Group 1 was treated on the diseased hand with real electro-acupuncture. In group 2 a fake acupuncture was performed (needle was not pierced and not electrically irritated). In the third group, a real electro-acupuncture treatment was performed on the ankle and heel of the opposite leg.

After eight weeks, the pain and numbness had diminished in all three groups. However, nerve conduction improved only in the two groups who had received a real acupuncture. The brain changes in the somatosensory cortex were only observed in acupuncture treatment. They did not show up in sham acupuncture.

The researchers suspect that the effects could be similar to transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). The study can be found here.