TCM Chinese medicine works in atopic dermatitis

TCM Chinese medicine works in atopic dermatitis / Health News

Chinese medicine knows a way out of the Juck-Kratz spiral


Eczema affects about four million people in this country, including many children. Many try scratching to relieve the constant itching. But the salvation usually lasts only briefly: the unbearable itching returns and often more than before, because scratching damages the already irritated skin even more. In the search for lasting improvement, people increasingly rely on Chinese medicine. Rarely, there is a disease in which differences between Chinese medicine and conventional medicine emerge so clearly. For while the latter focuses its attention on the skin organ and primarily relieves symptoms, the holistic view of Chinese medicine focuses on the cause.

According to Chinese medicine, causes of atopic dermatitis are not in the skin. Instead, it acts as a pressure relief valve that the organism uses to rid itself of inflammatory processes. „Their origins usually go back to early childhood“, knows Dr. Christian Schmincke, TCM expert and head of the Gerolzhofen Clinic at Steigerwald. „For example, eczema patients have often gone through a large number of unhealed infections and, for example, hindered important cleaning processes due to premature drug use.“ Those who do not completely go through infections, hinders the excretion of metabolic toxins by coughing or runny nose. As a result, they accumulate as inflammatory slags - the Chinese medicine speaks of „dull heat“ - and shift to the skin. „Patients scratch themselves until the body subsequently excretes blood and lymph and poisons with them. Neurodermatitis thus provide relief in the short term from the tormenting itching“, so Dr. Schmincke continues.

However, in order to alleviate symptoms permanently and to remedy causes, Chinese medicine uses its most important method - drug therapy. After extensive research, TCM experts create an individualized formula for the patient. On the basis of Chinese raw medicines, decoctions are produced by decoction, which patients consume throughout the day. Regularly therapists control effects on the person concerned. „Above all, cool, blood-purifying formulations help dissipate the murky heat“, explains Dr. Schmincke. In the acute treatment of eczema episodes additionally the needles of heat-cooling acupuncture points.

Those who take a little restraint in the diet, can also contribute to the improvement of his symptoms. Patients with atopic dermatitis are best to take animal protein in the form of meat and milk protein products such as milk, cheese and quark with caution and avoid them in severe cases completely. This reduces the accumulation of inflammatory products. „In some patients, a disturbed voltage balance is in the foreground of the disease. Here it is necessary to reduce stress factors that overwhelm the inner clarifying and processing forces. Meditative Qi Gong exercises and Tuina massages help to relax and harmonize the psyche and the mind“, concludes the TCM expert. (Pm)